Driving rapidly while remaining in control: classical shortcuts from Hamiltonian to stochastic dynamics
Stochastic thermodynamics lays down a broad framework to revisit the venerable concepts
of heat, work and entropy production for individual stochastic trajectories of mesoscopic …
of heat, work and entropy production for individual stochastic trajectories of mesoscopic …
Universal trade-off between power, efficiency, and constancy in steady-state heat engines
Heat engines should ideally have large power output, operate close to Carnot efficiency and
show constancy, ie, exhibit only small fluctuations in this output. For steady-state heat …
show constancy, ie, exhibit only small fluctuations in this output. For steady-state heat …
Cycling tames power fluctuations near optimum efficiency
According to the laws of thermodynamics, no heat engine can beat the efficiency of a Carnot
cycle. This efficiency traditionally comes with vanishing power output and practical designs …
cycle. This efficiency traditionally comes with vanishing power output and practical designs …
Active Brownian heat engines
When do nonequilibrium forms of disordered energy qualify as heat? We address this
question in the context of cyclically operating heat engines feeding on nonequilibrium …
question in the context of cyclically operating heat engines feeding on nonequilibrium …
Geometric bounds on the power of adiabatic thermal machines
We analyze the performance of slowly driven meso-and microscale refrigerators and heat
engines that operate between two thermal baths with a small temperature difference. Using …
engines that operate between two thermal baths with a small temperature difference. Using …
Energetic costs, precision, and transport efficiency of molecular motors
An efficient molecular motor would deliver cargo to the target site at a high speed and in a
punctual manner while consuming a minimal amount of energy. According to a recently …
punctual manner while consuming a minimal amount of energy. According to a recently …
Unified hierarchical relationship between thermodynamic tradeoff relations
Recent years have witnessed a surge of discoveries in the studies of thermodynamic
inequalities: the thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR) and the entropic bound (EB) …
inequalities: the thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR) and the entropic bound (EB) …
Collective power: minimal model for thermodynamics of nonequilibrium phase transitions
We propose a thermodynamically consistent minimal model to study synchronization which
is made of driven and interacting three-state units. This system exhibits at the mean-field …
is made of driven and interacting three-state units. This system exhibits at the mean-field …
Overcoming power-efficiency tradeoff in a micro heat engine by engineered system-bath interactions
All real heat engines, be it conventional macro engines or colloidal and atomic micro
engines, inevitably tradeoff efficiency in their pursuit to maximize power. This basic postulate …
engines, inevitably tradeoff efficiency in their pursuit to maximize power. This basic postulate …
Universal form of thermodynamic uncertainty relation for Langevin dynamics
The thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR) provides a stricter bound for entropy
production (EP) than that of the thermodynamic second law. This stricter bound can be …
production (EP) than that of the thermodynamic second law. This stricter bound can be …