Empirical study of knowledge withholding in cyberspace: Integrating protection motivation theory and theory of reasoned behavior

D Wu - Computers in human behavior, 2020 - Elsevier
This study integrates protection motivation theory and theory of reasoned action to
investigate knowledge withholding in cyberspace, which is a highly prevalent …

Social noise: the influence of observers on social media information behavior

T Zimmerman - Journal of Documentation, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of social noise. Under the
influence of social noise, a social media user may adjust information behavior based on …

Visual analysis of information world maps: An exploration of four methods

D Greyson, H O'Brien… - Journal of Information …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Information researchers increasingly use participatory, arts-based methods to better
understand the social contexts of individuals and populations. However, it remains rare to …

Knowledge withholding in online knowledge spaces: Social deviance behavior and secondary control perspective

XL Shen, YJ Li, Y Sun, J Chen… - Journal of the Association …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Knowledge withholding, which is defined as the likelihood that an individual devotes less
than full effort to knowledge contribution, can be regarded as an emerging social deviance …

Researchers' participation in and motivations for engaging with research information management systems

B Stvilia, S Wu, DJ Lee - PLoS One, 2018 - journals.plos.org
Researchers' participation in online RIMSs This article examined how researchers
participated in research information management systems (RIMSs), their motivations for …

Identifying social roles using heterogeneous features in online social networks

Y Liu, F Du, J Sun, T Silva, Y Jiang… - Journal of the …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Role analysis plays an important role when exploring social media and knowledge‐sharing
platforms for designing marking strategies. However, current methods in role analysis have …

From participation roles to socio‐emotional information roles: Insights from the closure of an online community

S Karanasios, A Zorina - Journal of the Association for …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This study examines what happens when an online community (OC) platform is shut down.
In particular, it builds on recent interest from information science on everyday life information …

Institutional (Dis) trust and online participation roles in vaccination communication as public engagement

P Rodin - Javnost-The Public, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The study explores lay online participation in multivocal risk and crisis communication. It
looks specifically at how institutional trust shapes such participation in the context of public …

The Effect of Individual Traits on Emerging Roles in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Groups

VB Vatnani, JB Barlow - Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
This study examines group dynamics in a virtual decision-making context through the lens of
role theory and speech act theory, furthering previous research on the roles that emerge in …

Social roles and structural signatures of top influentials in the# prayforparis Twitter network

M Chong, HJM Kim - Quality & Quantity, 2020 - Springer
Scholars have shown much interest in whether diffusion is inflated through planting a piece
of information by influential people (influentials). Although a few attempts have been made …