Children's development through sports competition: Derivative, adjustive, generative, and maladaptive approaches
HS Choi, B Johnson, YK Kim - Quest, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Sports competition can play an important role for children because it contributes to
developmental outcomes for a healthy lifestyle. Through sports competition, children can …
developmental outcomes for a healthy lifestyle. Through sports competition, children can …
Interaction between physical fitness, psychosocial, and spiritual aspects of children in Indonesian Physical Education
Humans can develop many aspects including physical, psychological, and spiritual ones
through physical education. Holistic development requires evidence of correlation among …
through physical education. Holistic development requires evidence of correlation among …
[PDF][PDF] Алгоритм системы индивидуализации в физическом воспитании студентов
Barybina LN The algorithm of individualization in physical education students. The algorithm
of individualization of process of physical education is offered in higher educational …
of individualization of process of physical education is offered in higher educational …
[PDF][PDF] Эффективность методики учебно-тренировочного процесса спортсменов полиатлонистов с использованием контроля их функционального состояния …
АИ Ракоца - Электрон. текстовые дан.-Иркутск: Мегапринт, 2017 -
Актуальность исследования. Подготовка спортсменов должна строиться в
соответствии с принципами системного подхода, позволяющего, моделировать …
соответствии с принципами системного подхода, позволяющего, моделировать …
Develo** children's communication and social Awareness Skills in volcano Disaster Areas through physical education and sports Programs
This study examined the effects of physical education (PE) and sports programs on
children's communication and social awareness skills in a volcano disaster-prone area in …
children's communication and social awareness skills in a volcano disaster-prone area in …
Physical education and sport as a psychosocial intervention effort for children in disaster-prone areas
S Nopembri, Y Sugiyama - 2015 -
Indonesia has the potential to experience massively damaging natural disasters. The
Special Region of Yogyakarta is a province in Indonesia and home to the disaster-prone …
Special Region of Yogyakarta is a province in Indonesia and home to the disaster-prone …
Reducing children's negative emotional states through physical education and sport in disaster-prone areas
The current study examined the effects of physical education (PE) and sports programs in
reducing children's negative emotional states in disaster-prone areas near the Merapi …
reducing children's negative emotional states in disaster-prone areas near the Merapi …
Hubungan Aspek Fisik Spiritual dan Sosial Anak di Daerah Rawan Bencana dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga
Penelitian ini berawal dari permasalahan bahwa anak-anak di daerah rawan bencana
memerlukan peningkatan dan penguatan fisik spiritual dan sosial. Tujuan khusus penelitian …
memerlukan peningkatan dan penguatan fisik spiritual dan sosial. Tujuan khusus penelitian …
The Possibility of Integrating the Disaster Preparedness in Physical Education Curriculum
Being prone to impacts of natural disasters, Indonesia needs to increase the preparedness
of Indonesian people through various means, including the education curriculum …
of Indonesian people through various means, including the education curriculum …
The impact of competitive and non-competitive activities on children's aggression
Introduction: Regarding to the importance of children and adolescents' aggression in the
prediction of problems over the psycho-social adjustments in future, the current study was …
prediction of problems over the psycho-social adjustments in future, the current study was …