Scene perception in the human brain
Humans are remarkably adept at perceiving and understanding complex real-world scenes.
Uncovering the neural basis of this ability is an important goal of vision science …
Uncovering the neural basis of this ability is an important goal of vision science …
The cognitive-emotional design and study of architectural space: A sco** review of neuroarchitecture and its precursor approaches
Humans respond cognitively and emotionally to the built environment. The modern
possibility of recording the neural activity of subjects during exposure to environmental …
possibility of recording the neural activity of subjects during exposure to environmental …
A short review on emotion processing: a lateralized network of neuronal networks
Emotions are valenced mental responses and associated physiological reactions that occur
spontaneously and automatically in response to internal or external stimuli, and can …
spontaneously and automatically in response to internal or external stimuli, and can …
Functional neuroanatomy of meditation: A review and meta-analysis of 78 functional neuroimaging investigations
Meditation is a family of mental practices that encompasses a wide array of techniques
employing distinctive mental strategies. We systematically reviewed 78 functional …
employing distinctive mental strategies. We systematically reviewed 78 functional …
Computational models of category-selective brain regions enable high-throughput tests of selectivity
Cortical regions apparently selective to faces, places, and bodies have provided important
evidence for domain-specific theories of human cognition, development, and evolution. But …
evidence for domain-specific theories of human cognition, development, and evolution. But …
Two cortical systems for memory-guided behaviour
Although the perirhinal cortex (PRC), parahippocampal cortex (PHC) and retrosplenial
cortex (RSC) have an essential role in memory, the precise functions of these areas are …
cortex (RSC) have an essential role in memory, the precise functions of these areas are …
Map** human cortical areas in vivo based on myelin content as revealed by T1-and T2-weighted MRI
Noninvasively map** the layout of cortical areas in humans is a continuing challenge for
neuroscience. We present a new method of map** cortical areas based on myelin content …
neuroscience. We present a new method of map** cortical areas based on myelin content …
[ספר][B] Sensation and perception
EB Goldstein, JR Brockmole - 2002 - miemagazine.com
EBK: SENSATION/PERCEPTION Page 1 Page 2 E. Bruce Goldstein University of Pittsburgh
University of Arizona and Laura Cacciamani California Polytechnic State University Sensation …
University of Arizona and Laura Cacciamani California Polytechnic State University Sensation …
[ספר][B] The visual brain in action
D Milner, M Goodale - 2006 - books.google.com
First published in 1995, The Visual Brain in Action remains a seminal publication in the
cognitive sciences. It presents a model for understanding the visual processing underlying …
cognitive sciences. It presents a model for understanding the visual processing underlying …
[HTML][HTML] The lateral occipital complex and its role in object recognition
Here we review recent findings that reveal the functional properties of extra-striate regions in
the human visual cortex that are involved in the representation and perception of objects …
the human visual cortex that are involved in the representation and perception of objects …