Roles of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on soil fertility: contribution in the improvement of physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil
Many of the world's soils are experiencing degradation at an alarming rate. Climate change
and some agricultural management practices, such as tillage and excessive use of …
and some agricultural management practices, such as tillage and excessive use of …
Exploring phosphorus fertilizers and fertilization strategies for improved human and environmental health
Mineral phosphorus (P) fertilizers support high crop yields and contribute to feeding the
teeming global population. However, complex edaphic processes cause P to be …
teeming global population. However, complex edaphic processes cause P to be …
Impact of groundwater nitrogen legacy on water quality
The loss of agricultural nitrogen (N) is a leading cause of global eutrophication and
freshwater and coastal hypoxia. Despite regulatory efforts, such as the European Union's …
freshwater and coastal hypoxia. Despite regulatory efforts, such as the European Union's …
The global food‐energy‐water nexus
Water availability is a major factor constraining humanity's ability to meet the future food and
energy needs of a growing and increasingly affluent human population. Water plays an …
energy needs of a growing and increasingly affluent human population. Water plays an …
Recent advancement in water quality indicators for eutrophication in global freshwater lakes
Eutrophication is a major global concern in lakes, caused by excessive nutrient loadings
(nitrogen and phosphorus) from human activities and likely exacerbated by climate change …
(nitrogen and phosphorus) from human activities and likely exacerbated by climate change …
Global anthropogenic phosphorus loads to freshwater and associated grey water footprints and water pollution levels: A high‐resolution global study
We estimate the global anthropogenic phosphorus (P) loads to freshwater and the
associated grey water footprints (GWFs) for the period 2002–2010, at a spatial resolution of …
associated grey water footprints (GWFs) for the period 2002–2010, at a spatial resolution of …
Anthropogenic global shifts in biospheric N and P concentrations and ratios and their impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem productivity, food security, and human health
The availability of carbon (C) from high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and
anthropogenic release of nitrogen (N) is increasing, but these increases are not paralleled …
anthropogenic release of nitrogen (N) is increasing, but these increases are not paralleled …
Crop intensification, land use, and on-farm energy-use efficiency during the worldwide spread of the green revolution
We analyzed crop production, physical inputs, and land use at the country level to assess
technological changes behind the threefold increase in global crop production from 1961 to …
technological changes behind the threefold increase in global crop production from 1961 to …
Phosphate‐solubilising microorganisms for improved crop productivity: a critical assessment
Phosphate‐solubilising microorganisms (PSM) are often reported to have positive effects on
crop productivity through enhanced phosphorus (P) nutrition. Our aim was to evaluate the …
crop productivity through enhanced phosphorus (P) nutrition. Our aim was to evaluate the …
Struvite: a slow-release fertiliser for sustainable phosphorus management?
Background and aim Recycled sources of phosphorus (P), such as struvite extracted from
wastewater, have potential to substitute for more soluble manufactured fertilisers and help …
wastewater, have potential to substitute for more soluble manufactured fertilisers and help …