Extracting value from total-body PET/CT image data-the emerging role of artificial intelligence
Abstract The evolution of Positron Emission Tomography (PET), culminating in the Total-
Body PET (TB-PET) system, represents a paradigm shift in medical imaging. This paper …
Body PET (TB-PET) system, represents a paradigm shift in medical imaging. This paper …
Quantitative perfusion imaging with total-body PET
Recently, PET systems with a long axial field of view have become the current state of the
art. Total-body PET scanners enable unique possibilities for scientific research and clinical …
art. Total-body PET scanners enable unique possibilities for scientific research and clinical …
[HTML][HTML] Total-body PET/CT: pros and cons
PET/CT devices with an axial field-of-view (FOV) of 1 m allow simultaneous imaging from the
head to the upper thighs, the typical axial extent of many “whole-body” oncological studies …
head to the upper thighs, the typical axial extent of many “whole-body” oncological studies …
Total body PET/CT: a role in drug development?
Nowadays, total body PET has already entered the medical centers and enabled various
clinical applications due to its superior imaging capabilities, especially the high sensitivity …
clinical applications due to its superior imaging capabilities, especially the high sensitivity …
EXPLORing arthritis with total-body positron emission tomography
Arthritis has significant adverse consequences on musculoskeletal tissues and often other
organs of the body. Current methods for clinical evaluation of arthritis are suboptimal, and …
organs of the body. Current methods for clinical evaluation of arthritis are suboptimal, and …
[HTML][HTML] Recent Breakthroughs in PET-CT Multimodality Imaging: Innovations and Clinical Impact
This review presents a detailed examination of the most recent advancements in positron
emission tomography–computed tomography (PET-CT) multimodal imaging over the past …
emission tomography–computed tomography (PET-CT) multimodal imaging over the past …
On the use of artificial intelligence for dosimetry of radiopharmaceutical therapies
Routine clinical dosimetry along with radiopharmaceutical therapies is key for future
treatment personalization. However, dosimetry is considered complex and time-consuming …
treatment personalization. However, dosimetry is considered complex and time-consuming …
Current progress and future perspectives in total‐body PET imaging, part I: Data processing and analysis
Total‐body positron emission tomography (TB‐PET) has ultra‐high sensitivity and the
unique ability to conduct dynamic imaging of the entire body. Both the hardware …
unique ability to conduct dynamic imaging of the entire body. Both the hardware …
Development of quantitative PET/MR imaging for measurements of hepatic portal vein input function: a phantom study
Background Accurate pharmacokinetic modelling in PET necessitates measurements of an
input function, which ideally is acquired non-invasively from image data. For hepatic …
input function, which ideally is acquired non-invasively from image data. For hepatic …
Long COVID–a critical disruption of cholinergic neurotransmission?
Background Following the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many chronically ill Long COVID
(LC) patients with different symptoms of varying degrees of severity. The pathological …
(LC) patients with different symptoms of varying degrees of severity. The pathological …