When time is space: Evidence for a mental time line

M Bonato, M Zorzi, C Umiltà - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2012 - Elsevier
Time and space are tightly linked in the physical word. Recently, several lines of evidence
have suggested that the mental representation of time might be spatial in nature. For …

On the genesis of spatial-numerical associations: Evolutionary and cultural factors co-construct the mental number line

EY Toomarian, EM Hubbard - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
Map** numbers onto space is a common cognitive representation that has been explored
in both behavioral and neuroimaging contexts. Empirical work probing the diverse nature of …

Finding the answer in space: The mental whiteboard hypothesis on serial order in working memory

E Abrahamse, JP Van Dijck, S Majerus… - Frontiers in Human …, 2014 - frontiersin.org
Various prominent models on serial order coding in working memory (WM) build on the
notion that serial order is achieved by binding the various items to-be-maintained to fixed …

How does working memory enable number-induced spatial biases?

E Abrahamse, JP Van Dijck, W Fias - Frontiers in Psychology, 2016 - frontiersin.org
Number-space associations are a robust observation, but their underlying mechanisms
remain debated. Two major accounts have been identified. First, spatial codes may …

Mathematical difficulties in developmental coordination disorder: Symbolic and nonsymbolic number processing

A Gomez, M Piazza, A Jobert… - Research in …, 2015 - Elsevier
At school, children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) struggle with
mathematics. However, little attention has been paid to their numerical cognition abilities …

Spontaneous spatial map** of learned sequence in chimpanzees: evidence for a SNARC-like effect

I Adachi - PLoS One, 2014 - journals.plos.org
In the last couple of decades, there has been a growing number of reports on space-based
representation of numbers and serial order in humans. In the present study, to explore …

Spatial attention in mental arithmetic: A literature review and meta-analysis

J Prado, A Knops - Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2024 - Springer
We review the evidence for the conceptual association between arithmetic and space and
quantify the effect size in meta-analyses. We focus on three effects:(a) the operational …

Is the SNARC effect related to the level of mathematics? No systematic relationship observed despite more power, more repetitions, and more direct assessment of …

K Cipora, HC Nuerk - Quarterly journal of experimental …, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
The SNARC (spatial–numerical association of response codes) described that larger
numbers are responded faster with the right hand and smaller numbers with the left hand. It …

Spatial coding of ordinal information in short-and long-term memory

V Ginsburg, W Gevers - Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2015 - frontiersin.org
The processing of numerical information induces a spatial response bias: Faster responses
to small numbers with the left hand and faster responses to large numbers with the right …

The impact of verbal working memory on number–space associations.

V Ginsburg, JP Van Dijck, P Previtali… - Journal of …, 2014 - psycnet.apa.org
Spatial–numerical associations are observed when participants perform number
categorization tasks. One such observation is the spatial numerical associations of response …