When time is space: Evidence for a mental time line
Time and space are tightly linked in the physical word. Recently, several lines of evidence
have suggested that the mental representation of time might be spatial in nature. For …
have suggested that the mental representation of time might be spatial in nature. For …
On the genesis of spatial-numerical associations: Evolutionary and cultural factors co-construct the mental number line
Map** numbers onto space is a common cognitive representation that has been explored
in both behavioral and neuroimaging contexts. Empirical work probing the diverse nature of …
in both behavioral and neuroimaging contexts. Empirical work probing the diverse nature of …
Finding the answer in space: The mental whiteboard hypothesis on serial order in working memory
Various prominent models on serial order coding in working memory (WM) build on the
notion that serial order is achieved by binding the various items to-be-maintained to fixed …
notion that serial order is achieved by binding the various items to-be-maintained to fixed …
How does working memory enable number-induced spatial biases?
Number-space associations are a robust observation, but their underlying mechanisms
remain debated. Two major accounts have been identified. First, spatial codes may …
remain debated. Two major accounts have been identified. First, spatial codes may …
Mathematical difficulties in developmental coordination disorder: Symbolic and nonsymbolic number processing
At school, children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) struggle with
mathematics. However, little attention has been paid to their numerical cognition abilities …
mathematics. However, little attention has been paid to their numerical cognition abilities …
Spontaneous spatial map** of learned sequence in chimpanzees: evidence for a SNARC-like effect
I Adachi - PLoS One, 2014 - journals.plos.org
In the last couple of decades, there has been a growing number of reports on space-based
representation of numbers and serial order in humans. In the present study, to explore …
representation of numbers and serial order in humans. In the present study, to explore …
Spatial attention in mental arithmetic: A literature review and meta-analysis
We review the evidence for the conceptual association between arithmetic and space and
quantify the effect size in meta-analyses. We focus on three effects:(a) the operational …
quantify the effect size in meta-analyses. We focus on three effects:(a) the operational …
Is the SNARC effect related to the level of mathematics? No systematic relationship observed despite more power, more repetitions, and more direct assessment of …
The SNARC (spatial–numerical association of response codes) described that larger
numbers are responded faster with the right hand and smaller numbers with the left hand. It …
numbers are responded faster with the right hand and smaller numbers with the left hand. It …
Spatial coding of ordinal information in short-and long-term memory
V Ginsburg, W Gevers - Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2015 - frontiersin.org
The processing of numerical information induces a spatial response bias: Faster responses
to small numbers with the left hand and faster responses to large numbers with the right …
to small numbers with the left hand and faster responses to large numbers with the right …
The impact of verbal working memory on number–space associations.
V Ginsburg, JP Van Dijck, P Previtali… - Journal of …, 2014 - psycnet.apa.org
Spatial–numerical associations are observed when participants perform number
categorization tasks. One such observation is the spatial numerical associations of response …
categorization tasks. One such observation is the spatial numerical associations of response …