Alive and kicking: why dormant soil microorganisms matter

RG Joergensen, F Wichern - Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018 - Elsevier
The current review investigates the hypothesis that dormant soil microorganisms are
relevant for microbial processes and community changes. Dormant soil microorganisms are …

The endophytic continuum

B Schulz, C Boyle - Mycological research, 2005 -
In spite of the term 'endophyte'being employed for all organisms that inhabit plants,
mycologists have come to use the term 'fungal endophyte'for fungi that inhabit plants without …

Contrasting soil pH effects on fungal and bacterial growth suggest functional redundancy in carbon mineralization

J Rousk, PC Brookes, E Bååth - Applied and environmental …, 2009 -
The influence of pH on the relative importance of the two principal decomposer groups in
soil, fungi and bacteria, was investigated along a continuous soil pH gradient at Hoosfield …

Microbial biomass, fungal and bacterial residues, and their relationships to the soil organic matter C/N/P/S ratios

KS Khan, R Mack, X Castillo, M Kaiser, RG Joergensen - Geoderma, 2016 - Elsevier
The interrelations between the microbial biomass, total N, organic P, and organic S in the
accumulation of soil organic C (SOC) and the contribution of fungal and bacterial residues to …

Dominant mycorrhizal association of trees alters carbon and nutrient cycling by selecting for microbial groups with distinct enzyme function

TE Cheeke, RP Phillips, ER Brzostek… - New …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
While it is well established that plants associating with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and
ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi cycle carbon (C) and nutrients in distinct ways, we have a …

Networks of power and influence: the role of mycorrhizal mycelium in controlling plant communities and agroecosystem functioning

J Leake, D Johnson, D Donnelly… - Canadian Journal of …, 2004 -
Extraradical mycelia of mycorrhizal fungi are normally the hidden half of the symbiosis, but
they are powerful underground influences upon biogeochemical cycling, the composition of …

Quantitative assessment of the fungal contribution to microbial tissue in soil

RG Joergensen, F Wichern - Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2008 - Elsevier
The fungi-to-bacteria ratio in soil ecological concepts and its application to explain the
effects of land use changes have gained increasing attention over the past decade. Four …

Arbuscular mycorrhizae and terrestrial ecosystem processes

MC Rillig - Ecology letters, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF; phylum Glomeromycota) are ubiquitous in terrestrial
ecosystems. Despite their acknowledged importance in ecology, most research on AMF has …

The rhizosphere zoo: an overview of plant-associated communities of microorganisms, including phages, bacteria, archaea, and fungi, and of some of their structuring …

M Buée, W De Boer, F Martin, L Van Overbeek… - 2009 - Springer
Rhizosphere microorganisms have two faces, like Janus the Roman god of gates and doors
who symbolizes changes and transitions, from one condition to another. One face looks at …

The fat that matters: soil food web analysis using fatty acids and their carbon stable isotope signature

L Ruess, PM Chamberlain - Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2010 - Elsevier
Chemical taxonomy based upon the composition of lipids is widely applied to investigate
microbial communities and fatty acids have recently been employed to connect soil …