From “sense of number” to “sense of magnitude”: The role of continuous magnitudes in numerical cognition
In this review, we are pitting two theories against each other: the more accepted theory, the
number sense theory, suggesting that a sense of number is innate and non-symbolic …
number sense theory, suggesting that a sense of number is innate and non-symbolic …
Precise minds in uncertain worlds: predictive coding in autism.
There have been numerous attempts to explain the enigma of autism, but existing
neurocognitive theories often provide merely a refined description of 1 cluster of symptoms …
neurocognitive theories often provide merely a refined description of 1 cluster of symptoms …
[CARTE][B] Cognitive development.
JH Flavell - 1977 - psycnet.apa.org
Discusses general conceptual growth, with special emphasis on the contributions of Piaget.
Other areas discussed—including social cognition, perception, and memory—are based …
Other areas discussed—including social cognition, perception, and memory—are based …
[CARTE][B] Sensation and perception
EB Goldstein, JR Brockmole - 2002 - miemagazine.com
EBK: SENSATION/PERCEPTION Page 1 Page 2 E. Bruce Goldstein University of Pittsburgh
University of Arizona and Laura Cacciamani California Polytechnic State University Sensation …
University of Arizona and Laura Cacciamani California Polytechnic State University Sensation …
Eye contact detection in humans from birth
Making eye contact is the most powerful mode of establishing a communicative link between
humans. During their first year of life, infants learn rapidly that the looking behaviors of …
humans. During their first year of life, infants learn rapidly that the looking behaviors of …
CONSPEC and CONLERN: a two-process theory of infant face recognition.
Evidence from newborns leads to the conclusion that infants are born with some information
about the structure of faces. This structural information, termed CONSPEC, guides the …
about the structure of faces. This structural information, termed CONSPEC, guides the …
[CARTE][B] Children's thinking
RS Siegler - 1991 - psycnet.apa.org
Anyone sufficiently motivated to take an undergraduate or graduate course in this area
should find [in this book] a great deal to intrigue the imagination and stimulate further interest …
should find [in this book] a great deal to intrigue the imagination and stimulate further interest …
Face preference at birth.
Four experiments are reported that were aimed at elucidating some of the controversial
issues concerning the preference for facelike patterns in newborns. The experiments were …
issues concerning the preference for facelike patterns in newborns. The experiments were …
N170 or N1? Spatiotemporal differences between object and face processing using ERPs
The ERP component N170 is face-sensitive, yet its specificity for faces is controversial. We
recorded ERPs while subjects viewed upright and inverted faces and seven object …
recorded ERPs while subjects viewed upright and inverted faces and seven object …
[CARTE][B] Face perception
V Bruce, AW Young - 2012 - books.google.com
Human faces are unique biological structures that convey a complex variety of important
social messages. Even strangers can tell things from our faces âe" our feelings, our locus of …
social messages. Even strangers can tell things from our faces âe" our feelings, our locus of …