Barriers, pathways and processes for uptake, translocation and accumulation of nanomaterials in plants–Critical review
Uptake, transport and toxicity of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) into plant cells are
complex processes that are currently still not well understood. Parts of this problem are the …
complex processes that are currently still not well understood. Parts of this problem are the …
Leaf venation: structure, function, development, evolution, ecology and applications in the past, present and future
L Sack, C Scoffoni - New phytologist, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The design and function of leaf venation are important to plant performance, with key
implications for the distribution and productivity of ecosystems, and applications in …
implications for the distribution and productivity of ecosystems, and applications in …
Climatic and soil factors explain the two-dimensional spectrum of global plant trait variation
Plant functional traits can predict community assembly and ecosystem functioning and are
thus widely used in global models of vegetation dynamics and land–climate feedbacks. Still …
thus widely used in global models of vegetation dynamics and land–climate feedbacks. Still …
TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
Plant traits—the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological
characteristics of plants—determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect …
characteristics of plants—determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect …
Factors influencing leaf chlorophyll content in natural forests at the biome scale
Chlorophyll (Chl) is an important photosynthetic pigment to the plant, largely determining
photosynthetic capacity and hence plant growth. However, this concept has not been …
photosynthetic capacity and hence plant growth. However, this concept has not been …
The global spectrum of plant form and function
Earth is home to a remarkable diversity of plant forms and life histories, yet comparatively
few essential trait combinations have proved evolutionarily viable in today's terrestrial …
few essential trait combinations have proved evolutionarily viable in today's terrestrial …
Physiological and structural tradeoffs underlying the leaf economics spectrum
The leaf economics spectrum (LES) represents a suite of intercorrelated leaf traits
concerning construction costs per unit leaf area, nutrient concentrations, and rates of carbon …
concerning construction costs per unit leaf area, nutrient concentrations, and rates of carbon …
Global relationships in tree functional traits
Due to massive energetic investments in woody support structures, trees are subject to
unique physiological, mechanical, and ecological pressures not experienced by herbaceous …
unique physiological, mechanical, and ecological pressures not experienced by herbaceous …
Plant functional traits have globally consistent effects on competition
Phenotypic traits and their associated trade-offs have been shown to have globally
consistent effects on individual plant physiological functions,,, but how these effects scale up …
consistent effects on individual plant physiological functions,,, but how these effects scale up …
The world‐wide 'fast–slow'plant economics spectrum: a traits manifesto
PB Reich - Journal of ecology, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The leaf economics spectrum (LES) provides a useful framework for examining species
strategies as shaped by their evolutionary history. However, that spectrum, as originally …
strategies as shaped by their evolutionary history. However, that spectrum, as originally …