Seismic assessment of historical masonry buildings at different scale levels: a review

I Puncello, S Caprili - Applied Sciences, 2023 -
The relevant losses determined by recent earthquakes stressed the vulnerability of historical
masonry constructions towards horizontal seismic actions, therefore highlighting the need …

A hybrid method for the vulnerability assessment of R/C and URM buildings

AJ Kappos, G Panagopoulos… - Bulletin of Earthquake …, 2006 - Springer
The methodology followed by the Aristotle University (AUTh) team for the vulnerability
assessment of reinforced concrete (R/C) and unreinforced masonry (URM) structures is …

Vulnerability assessment and earthquake damage scenarios of the building stock of Potenza (Southern Italy) using Italian and Greek methodologies

M Dolce, A Kappos, A Masi, G Penelis, M Vona - Engineering Structures, 2006 - Elsevier
The prevailing Italian and Greek methodologies for seismic risk assessment are used herein
to construct loss scenarios for the building stock of a small city (Potenza, Southern Italy). The …

An overview of the development of the hybrid method for seismic vulnerability assessment of buildings

AJ Kappos - Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
The paper presents in a chronological and systematic way the development of the hybrid
method for seismic vulnerability assessment of structures, which combines the use of …

Fragility curves for reinforced concrete buildings in Greece

AJ Kappos, G Panagopoulos - Structure and infrastructure …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
The latest developments of a methodology developed by the authors and their co-workers
for estimating direct losses from earthquakes in reinforced concrete (R/C) buildings are …

Development of a seismic damage and loss scenario for contemporary and historical buildings in Thessaloniki, Greece

AJ Kappos, G Panagopoulos, GG Penelis - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake …, 2008 - Elsevier
The methodologies used in Greece for estimating direct losses in both reinforced concrete
(R/C) and masonry buildings (also including monuments) are summarised, the critical issue …

Strengthening of lime mortar masonry wallettes using fiber-reinforced cementitious matrix

D Tripathy, P Meghwal, V Singhal - Journal of Composites for …, 2020 -
The performance of fabric with lime mortar (LM) as the cementitious matrix was investigated
for the strengthening of lime masonry wallettes, which were compared with the respective …

Development of damage probability matrices based on Greek earthquake damage data

AK Eleftheriadou, AI Karabinis - Earthquake Engineering and Engineering …, 2011 - Springer
A comprehensive study is presented for empirical seismic vulnerability assessment of typical
structural types, representative of the building stock of Southern Europe, based on a large …

Comparing empirical and analytical estimates of earthquake loss assessment studies for the city of Dehradun, India

DH Lang, Y Singh, JSR Prasad - Earthquake Spectra, 2012 -
Very few earthquake risk studies exist for cities on the Indian subcontinent. The few studies
that do exist typically focus on intensity as the parameter to describe the expected ground …

Analytical estimation of economic loss for buildings in the area struck by the 1999 Athens earthquake and comparison with statistical repair costs

A Kappos, V Lekidis, G Panagopoulos… - Earthquake …, 2007 -
Reliable loss assessment (in monetary terms) for buildings struck by an earthquake is an
essential factor in the development of seismic risk scenarios for a given urban area. The …