Measures and applications of quantum correlations
G Adesso, TR Bromley… - Journal of Physics A …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
Quantum information theory is built upon the realisation that quantum resources like
coherence and entanglement can be exploited for novel or enhanced ways of transmitting …
coherence and entanglement can be exploited for novel or enhanced ways of transmitting …
Geometric quantum discord through the Schatten 1-norm
It has recently been pointed out that the geometric quantum discord, as defined by the
Hilbert-Schmidt norm (2-norm), is not a good measure of quantum correlations, since it may …
Hilbert-Schmidt norm (2-norm), is not a good measure of quantum correlations, since it may …
Negative eigenvalues of partial transposition of arbitrary bipartite states
S Rana - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2013 - APS
The partial transposition of a two-qubit state has at most one negative eigenvalue and all the
eigenvalues lie in [− 1/2, 1]. In this Brief Report, we extend this result by Sanpera et al.[A …
eigenvalues lie in [− 1/2, 1]. In this Brief Report, we extend this result by Sanpera et al.[A …
Non-positive-partial-transpose subspaces can be as large as any entangled subspace
N Johnston - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2013 - APS
It is known that, in an (m⊗ n)-dimensional quantum system, the maximum dimension of a
subspace that contains only entangled states is (m− 1)(n− 1). We show that the exact same …
subspace that contains only entangled states is (m− 1)(n− 1). We show that the exact same …
The geometric approach to quantum correlations: computability versus reliability
We propose a modified metric based on the Hilbert–Schmidt norm and adopt it to define a
rescaled version of the geometric measure of quantum discord. Such a measure is found not …
rescaled version of the geometric measure of quantum discord. Such a measure is found not …
Qubit-qudit states with positive partial transpose
We show that the length of a qubit-qutrit separable state is equal to max (r, s), where r is the
rank of the state and s the rank of its partial transpose. We refer to the ordered pair (r, s) as …
rank of the state and s the rank of its partial transpose. We refer to the ordered pair (r, s) as …
Geometric discord for multiqubit systems
CL Zhu, B Hu, B Li, ZX Wang, SM Fei - Quantum Information Processing, 2022 - Springer
Abstract Radhakrishnan et al.(Phys. Rev. Lett. 124: 110401, 2020) proposed quantum
discord to multipartite systems and derived explicit formulae for any states. These results are …
discord to multipartite systems and derived explicit formulae for any states. These results are …
Geometric discord in a dissipative double-cavity optomechanical system
In this paper, we propose a theoretical scheme to study the dynamics of the geometric
measure of quantum discord (GMQD) between two non-interacting qubits in a dissipative …
measure of quantum discord (GMQD) between two non-interacting qubits in a dissipative …
Comment on “Witnessed entanglement and the geometric measure of quantum discord”
In a recent article [Phys. Rev. A 86, 024302 (2012) 10.1103/PhysRevA. 86.024302], the
authors have derived some hierarchy relations between geometric discord and …
authors have derived some hierarchy relations between geometric discord and …
Best separable approximation of multipartite diagonal symmetric states
The structural study of entanglement in multipartite systems is hindered by the lack of
necessary and sufficient operational criteria able to discriminate among the various …
necessary and sufficient operational criteria able to discriminate among the various …