Vygotsky's, Leontiev's and Engeström's cultural-historical (activity) theories: Overview, clarifications and implications

N Cong-Lem - Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 2022 - Springer
At the social turn in education, Vygotsky's cultural-historical/sociocultural theory (VST) has
become particularly influential. There are other cultural-historical traditions associated with …

Subjectivity and perezhivanie: Empirical and methodological challenges and opportunities

N Veresov - Subjectivity within cultural-historical approach: Theory …, 2019 - Springer
This chapter explores possible ways of connecting subjectivity and perezhivanie on both an
empirical and a theoretical/methodological level of analysis. It begins with elaborating two …

The Relation Between Environment and Psychological Development: Unpacking Vygotsky's Influential Concept of Perezhivanie

N Cong-Lem - Human Arenas, 2022 - Springer
In recent decades, Vygotsky's sociocultural theory (VST) has become particularly influential
in the fields of education and educational psychology. Perezhivanie is an important concept …

Provoking novice teacher development: Cognition-and-emotion in learning-to-teach

MD Amory, KE Johnson - System, 2023 - Elsevier
Recently, increased attention has been drawn to the crucial role of emotions in develo**
language teacher cognition. Arguing against the secondary role of emotions in cognitive …

Teaching during COVID 19 times–The experiences of drama and performing arts teachers and the human dimensions of learning

S Davis, LG Phillips - NJ, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
As countries moved to halt the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020 access to physical
sites of learning was restricted, so teachers across diverse educational contexts were …

Mitigating the Challenges of Thesis Writing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Autoethnographic Reflection of Two Doctoral Students' Perezhivanie

J Cutri, RWK Lau - Research and teaching in a pandemic world: The …, 2023 - Springer
Undertaking a doctoral degree is a challenging but worthwhile endeavour where PhD
students invest years of academic, physical, and emotional energy contributing to their …

Translanguaging drama: embracing learners' perezhivanie for embodiment of the repertoire

A Galante - International Journal of Bilingual Education and …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The creative and dynamic practices that multilinguals perform with linguistic and non-
linguistic features such as the body, movement, senses, and space have been documented …

[BOK][B] Subjectivity and critical mental health: Lessons from Brazil

D Goulart - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Subjectivity and Critical Mental Health: Lessons from Brazil presents and discusses
subjectivity as a key concept to challenge the individualized and reified perspective that …

Definición del aprendizaje desarrollador de la informática por el profesional informático

WG Hernández - Revista Educación en Ingeniería, 2019 - educacioneningenieria.org
El aprendizaje desarrollador, como concepción del aprendizaje, es el heredero más fiel de
la concepción histórica y cultural de la psiquis humana. La propuesta más aceptada en este …

Didactic principles: A proposal from the theory of subjectivity

W González Hernández - Culture & psychology, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Didactics as a science is based on psychology and has developed a system of principles
that underpin its theoretical body using psychological results. The article analyzes the …