Vygotsky's, Leontiev's and Engeström's cultural-historical (activity) theories: Overview, clarifications and implications
N Cong-Lem - Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 2022 - Springer
At the social turn in education, Vygotsky's cultural-historical/sociocultural theory (VST) has
become particularly influential. There are other cultural-historical traditions associated with …
become particularly influential. There are other cultural-historical traditions associated with …
Subjectivity and perezhivanie: Empirical and methodological challenges and opportunities
N Veresov - Subjectivity within cultural-historical approach: Theory …, 2019 - Springer
This chapter explores possible ways of connecting subjectivity and perezhivanie on both an
empirical and a theoretical/methodological level of analysis. It begins with elaborating two …
empirical and a theoretical/methodological level of analysis. It begins with elaborating two …
The Relation Between Environment and Psychological Development: Unpacking Vygotsky's Influential Concept of Perezhivanie
N Cong-Lem - Human Arenas, 2022 - Springer
In recent decades, Vygotsky's sociocultural theory (VST) has become particularly influential
in the fields of education and educational psychology. Perezhivanie is an important concept …
in the fields of education and educational psychology. Perezhivanie is an important concept …
Provoking novice teacher development: Cognition-and-emotion in learning-to-teach
MD Amory, KE Johnson - System, 2023 - Elsevier
Recently, increased attention has been drawn to the crucial role of emotions in develo**
language teacher cognition. Arguing against the secondary role of emotions in cognitive …
language teacher cognition. Arguing against the secondary role of emotions in cognitive …
Teaching during COVID 19 times–The experiences of drama and performing arts teachers and the human dimensions of learning
As countries moved to halt the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020 access to physical
sites of learning was restricted, so teachers across diverse educational contexts were …
sites of learning was restricted, so teachers across diverse educational contexts were …
Mitigating the Challenges of Thesis Writing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Autoethnographic Reflection of Two Doctoral Students' Perezhivanie
J Cutri, RWK Lau - Research and teaching in a pandemic world: The …, 2023 - Springer
Undertaking a doctoral degree is a challenging but worthwhile endeavour where PhD
students invest years of academic, physical, and emotional energy contributing to their …
students invest years of academic, physical, and emotional energy contributing to their …
Translanguaging drama: embracing learners' perezhivanie for embodiment of the repertoire
A Galante - International Journal of Bilingual Education and …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The creative and dynamic practices that multilinguals perform with linguistic and non-
linguistic features such as the body, movement, senses, and space have been documented …
linguistic features such as the body, movement, senses, and space have been documented …
[BOK][B] Subjectivity and critical mental health: Lessons from Brazil
D Goulart - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Subjectivity and Critical Mental Health: Lessons from Brazil presents and discusses
subjectivity as a key concept to challenge the individualized and reified perspective that …
subjectivity as a key concept to challenge the individualized and reified perspective that …
Definición del aprendizaje desarrollador de la informática por el profesional informático
WG Hernández - Revista Educación en Ingeniería, 2019 - educacioneningenieria.org
El aprendizaje desarrollador, como concepción del aprendizaje, es el heredero más fiel de
la concepción histórica y cultural de la psiquis humana. La propuesta más aceptada en este …
la concepción histórica y cultural de la psiquis humana. La propuesta más aceptada en este …
Didactic principles: A proposal from the theory of subjectivity
W González Hernández - Culture & psychology, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Didactics as a science is based on psychology and has developed a system of principles
that underpin its theoretical body using psychological results. The article analyzes the …
that underpin its theoretical body using psychological results. The article analyzes the …