First steps toward incorporating image based diagnostics into particle accelerator control systems using convolutional neural networks
At present, a variety of image-based diagnostics are used in particle accelerator systems.
Often times, these are viewed by a human operator who then makes appropriate …
Often times, these are viewed by a human operator who then makes appropriate …
Submacropulse electron-beam dynamics correlated with higher-order modes in Tesla-type superconducting rf cavities
AH Lumpkin, R Thurman-Keup, D Edstrom, J Ruan… - … Review Accelerators and …, 2018 - APS
We report the direct observations of submacropulse beam centroid oscillations correlated
with higher order modes (HOMs) which were generated by off-axis electron beam steering in …
with higher order modes (HOMs) which were generated by off-axis electron beam steering in …
Wakefields in superconducting rf cavities and the impact on vacuum ultraviolet free-electron laser oscillator performance
AH Lumpkin, HP Freund, M Reinsch… - … Review Accelerators and …, 2023 - APS
The Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology facility is currently in operation with its
linac based on TESLA-type superconducting rf cavities. Using a 3-MHz micropulse repetition …
linac based on TESLA-type superconducting rf cavities. Using a 3-MHz micropulse repetition …
Compact multicell superconducting crab cavity for ILC
A Lunin, S Belomestnykh, I Gonin, T Khabiboulline… - 2023 - osti.gov
We propose a novel design of a crab cavity (CC) for the ILC project with low parasitic High
Order Modes (HOM) losses and preserving the beam emittance, which is critical for …
Order Modes (HOM) losses and preserving the beam emittance, which is critical for …
Wakefields In Superconducting RF Cavities and The Impact on VUV Free-electron Laser Oscillator Performance
AH Lumpkin, HP Freund, M Reinsch… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 - arxiv.org
The Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology (FAST) facility is currently in operation
with its linac based on TESLA-type superconducting rf cavities. Using a 3-MHz micropulse …
with its linac based on TESLA-type superconducting rf cavities. Using a 3-MHz micropulse …
An optical and terahertz instrumentation system at the FAST linac at Fermilab
FAST is a facility at Fermilab that consists of a photoinjector, two superconducting capture
cavities, one superconducting ILC-style cryomodule, and a small ring for studying non …
cavities, one superconducting ILC-style cryomodule, and a small ring for studying non …
Initial observations of micropulse elongation of electron beams in a SCRF accelerator
AH Lumpkin, R Thurman-Keup, D Edstrom Jr… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2017 - arxiv.org
Commissioning at the SCRF accelerator at the Fermilab Accelerator Science and
Technology (FAST) Facility has included the implementation of a versatile bunch-length …
Technology (FAST) Facility has included the implementation of a versatile bunch-length …
[PDF][PDF] Beam Dynamics and Limits for High Brightness, High Average Current Superconducting Radiofrequency (SRF) Photoinjectors
E Panofski - 2019 - edoc.hu-berlin.de
An increasing number of future accelerator projects, light sources and user experiments
require high brightness, high average current electron beams for operation …
require high brightness, high average current electron beams for operation …
Initial demonstration of 9-MHz framing camera rates on the FAST drive laser pulse trains
AH Lumpkin, D Edstrom Jr, J Ruan - arxiv preprint arxiv:1712.00084, 2017 - arxiv.org
We report the configuration of a Hamamatsu C5680 streak camera as a framing camera to
record transverse spatial information of green-component laser micropulses at 3-and 9-MHz …
record transverse spatial information of green-component laser micropulses at 3-and 9-MHz …
Higher-Order-Mode Effects in Tesla-Type Superconducting RF Cavities on Electron Beam Quality
A Lumpkin, K Bishofberger, B Carlsten, N Eddy… - 2018 - osti.gov
We report the direct observations of the correlation of higher order modes (HOMs) generated
by off-axis electron beam steering in TESLA-type SCRF cavities and sub-macropulse beam …
by off-axis electron beam steering in TESLA-type SCRF cavities and sub-macropulse beam …