Traced monoidal categories

A Joyal, R Street, D Verity - Mathematical proceedings of the …, 1996‏ -
Traced monoidal categories Page 1 Math. Proc. Gamb. Phil. Soc. (1996), 119, 447 4 4 7
Printed in Great Britain Traced monoidal categories BY ANDRE JOYAL De'partement de …

An introduction to quantaloid-enriched categories

I Stubbe - Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2014‏ - Elsevier
This survey paper, specifically targeted at a readership of fuzzy logicians and fuzzy set
theorists, aims to provide a gentle introduction to the basic notions of quantaloid-enriched …

[PDF][PDF] Mathematical proceedings of the cambridge philosophical society

M Born, RD Misra - 1940‏ -
The spinor representations of the rotation group in a six-dimensional space with indefinite
metric are shown to be four-component spinors, which become the usual Dirac spinors …

Framed bicategories and monoidal fibrations

MA Shulman - arxiv preprint arxiv:0706.1286, 2007‏ -
In some bicategories, the 1-cells aremorphisms' between the 0-cells, such as functors
between categories, but in others they areobjects' over the 0-cells, such as bimodules …

Categorical notions of fibration

F Loregian, E Riehl - Expositiones Mathematicae, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Fibrations over a category B, introduced to category theory by Grothendieck, encode pseudo-
functors B op⇝ Cat, while the special case of discrete fibrations encodes presheaves B op→ …

A unified framework for generalized multicategories

GSH Cruttwell, MA Shulman - arxiv preprint arxiv:0907.2460, 2009‏ -
Notions of generalized multicategory have been defined in numerous contexts throughout
the literature, and include such diverse examples as symmetric multicategories, globular …

[PDF][PDF] On property-like structures

GM Kelly, S Lack - Theory Appl. Categ, 1997‏ -
A category may bear many monoidal structures, but (to within a unique isomorphism) only
one structure of “category with finite products”. To capture such distinctions, we consider on …

[ספר][B] Pseudo Limits, Biadjoints, and Pseudo Algebras: Categorical Foundations of Conformal Field Theory: Categorical Foundations of Conformal Field Theory

TM Fiore - 2006‏ -
In this paper we develop the categorical foundations needed for working out completely the
rigorous approach to the definition of conformal field theory outlined by Graeme Segal. We …

Lex colimits

R Garner, S Lack - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2012‏ - Elsevier
Many kinds of categorical structure require the existence of finite limits, of colimits of some
specified type, and of “exactness” conditions relating the finite limits and the specified …

[HTML][HTML] Beck's theorem for pseudo-monads

IJ Le Creurer, F Marmolejo, EM Vitale - Journal of Pure and Applied …, 2002‏ - Elsevier
In this work we establish a 2-categorical analogue of Beck's theorem characterizing monadic
functors. We show that a 2-functor (a pseudo-functor) U is monadic iff it is a right pseudo …