[HTML][HTML] Big data handling mechanisms in the healthcare applications: A comprehensive and systematic literature review
A Pashazadeh, NJ Navimipour - Journal of biomedical informatics, 2018 - Elsevier
Healthcare provides many services such as diagnosing, treatment, prevention of diseases,
illnesses, injuries, and other physical and mental disorders. Large-scale distributed data …
illnesses, injuries, and other physical and mental disorders. Large-scale distributed data …
[HTML][HTML] An optimal big data workflow for biomedical image analysis
Background and objective In the medical field, data volume is increasingly growing, and
traditional methods cannot manage it efficiently. In biomedical computation, the continuous …
traditional methods cannot manage it efficiently. In biomedical computation, the continuous …
Proteins and their interacting partners: An introduction to protein–ligand binding site prediction methods
Elucidating the biological and biochemical roles of proteins, and subsequently determining
their interacting partners, can be difficult and time consuming using in vitro and/or in vivo …
their interacting partners, can be difficult and time consuming using in vitro and/or in vivo …
The future of virtual compound screening
K Heikamp, J Bajorath - Chemical biology & drug design, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
We provide a future perspective of the virtual screening field. A number of challenges will be
highlighted that virtual screening will likely face when compound data will further grow at or …
highlighted that virtual screening will likely face when compound data will further grow at or …
Big-data and cyber-physical systems in healthcare: Challenges and opportunities
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are physical systems with a computing and communication
center that monitors, coordinates and integrate the operations of said system. CPS enables …
center that monitors, coordinates and integrate the operations of said system. CPS enables …
Mimir: Memory-efficient and scalable MapReduce for large supercomputing systems
In this paper we present Mimir, a new implementation of MapReduce over MPI. Mimir
inherits the core principles of existing MapReduce frameworks, such as MR-MPI, while …
inherits the core principles of existing MapReduce frameworks, such as MR-MPI, while …
The application of hadoop in structural bioinformatics
The paper reviews the use of the Hadoop platform in structural bioinformatics applications.
For structural bioinformatics, Hadoop provides a new framework to analyse large fractions of …
For structural bioinformatics, Hadoop provides a new framework to analyse large fractions of …
In situ data analytics and indexing of protein trajectories
The transition toward exascale computing will be accompanied by a performance
dichotomy. Computational peak performance will rapidly increase; I/O performance will …
dichotomy. Computational peak performance will rapidly increase; I/O performance will …
The growing role of integrated and insightful big and real-time data analytics platforms
Digitization era is altering several industries which include the way in which the data is
analyzed and it is inferred that about 2.7 Zettabytes of data exist in the digital world today. By …
analyzed and it is inferred that about 2.7 Zettabytes of data exist in the digital world today. By …
Automatic generation of bioinformatics tools for predicting protein–ligand binding sites
Y Komiyama, M Banno, K Ueki, G Saad… - …, 2016 - academic.oup.com
Motivation: Predictive tools that model protein–ligand binding on demand are needed to
promote ligand research in an innovative drug-design environment. However, it takes …
promote ligand research in an innovative drug-design environment. However, it takes …