E-commerce for a sustainable future: integrating trust, green supply chain management and online shop** satisfaction
Purpose This study embarks on a comprehensive investigation into the intricate relationship
between consumer trust in e-commerce platforms and the adoption of Green Supply Chain …
between consumer trust in e-commerce platforms and the adoption of Green Supply Chain …
Unhiding nexus between service quality, customer satisfaction, complaints, and loyalty in online shop** environment in Pakistan
Due to the recent development in online shop**, the e-commerce business has
experienced significant growth. However, in develo** nations such as Pakistan, the …
experienced significant growth. However, in develo** nations such as Pakistan, the …
Research on the impact of live streaming marketing by online influencers on consumer purchasing intentions
X Wang, N Aisihaer, A Aihemaiti - Frontiers in psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Drawing from the stimulus–organism–response (SOR) model, this study explores the impact
on consumer attitudes in the context of Chinese online influencers'e-commerce live …
on consumer attitudes in the context of Chinese online influencers'e-commerce live …
An Integrated Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling Application for the Attributes Influencing the Customer's Satisfaction and Trust in E …
Since the COVID-19 pandemic has forced most industries to embrace an online platform
utilizing technological breakthroughs, it has significantly impacted our daily lives …
utilizing technological breakthroughs, it has significantly impacted our daily lives …
Why are Indonesian consumers buying on live streaming platforms? Research on consumer perceived value theory
H Zhang, S Zheng, P Zhu - Heliyon, 2024 - cell.com
Along with the economic and technological development in Indonesia, one of the
innovations is in the field of social media commerce and it has managed to attract the …
innovations is in the field of social media commerce and it has managed to attract the …
The influence of social media marketing on apparel brands' customers' satisfaction: The mediation of perceived value
Y Yang, Z Khan, Y Zhang - Asian Academy of Management …, 2020 - ejournal.usm.my
The development of social media has changed traditional media by providing a platform to
conduct marketing and advertising activities. Nowadays, social media offers the opportunity …
conduct marketing and advertising activities. Nowadays, social media offers the opportunity …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of personality traits and information privacy concern on e-learning environment adoption during COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Investigation
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning processes have experienced
significant changes. Higher education institutions in Taiwan employed crisis intervention …
significant changes. Higher education institutions in Taiwan employed crisis intervention …
Digital technologies application and competitive advantage for MSMEs sustainability and market performance
The development of digital technology and intense competition have forced owners of small
firms (MSMEs) to adapt technological developments to compete with competitors quickly …
firms (MSMEs) to adapt technological developments to compete with competitors quickly …
The effect of online deception on behavioral intention towards e-tailers: the mediating role of e-shop** value and e-trust
This research aims to establish the impact of online deception and e-security on behavioural
intentions towards e-retailers in Saudi Arabia, as well as highlight the mediating effects of …
intentions towards e-retailers in Saudi Arabia, as well as highlight the mediating effects of …
Determinants factors of intention to adopt big data analytics in Malaysian public agencies
Purpose: This research objective was to analyze factors affecting IT practitioners' behavioral
intentions in adopting (BDA) using a combination of Initial Trust Model (ITM), Unified Theory …
intentions in adopting (BDA) using a combination of Initial Trust Model (ITM), Unified Theory …