E-commerce for a sustainable future: integrating trust, green supply chain management and online shop** satisfaction

F Jalil, J Yang, M Al-Okaily, SU Rehman - Asia Pacific Journal of …, 2024‏ - emerald.com
Purpose This study embarks on a comprehensive investigation into the intricate relationship
between consumer trust in e-commerce platforms and the adoption of Green Supply Chain …

Unhiding nexus between service quality, customer satisfaction, complaints, and loyalty in online shop** environment in Pakistan

MU Wattoo, SMJ Iqbal - Sage Open, 2022‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Due to the recent development in online shop**, the e-commerce business has
experienced significant growth. However, in develo** nations such as Pakistan, the …

Research on the impact of live streaming marketing by online influencers on consumer purchasing intentions

X Wang, N Aisihaer, A Aihemaiti - Frontiers in psychology, 2022‏ - frontiersin.org
Drawing from the stimulus–organism–response (SOR) model, this study explores the impact
on consumer attitudes in the context of Chinese online influencers'e-commerce live …

An Integrated Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling Application for the Attributes Influencing the Customer's Satisfaction and Trust in E …

YT Jou, CS Saflor, KA Mariñas, HM Manzano… - Sustainability, 2024‏ - mdpi.com
Since the COVID-19 pandemic has forced most industries to embrace an online platform
utilizing technological breakthroughs, it has significantly impacted our daily lives …

Why are Indonesian consumers buying on live streaming platforms? Research on consumer perceived value theory

H Zhang, S Zheng, P Zhu - Heliyon, 2024‏ - cell.com
Along with the economic and technological development in Indonesia, one of the
innovations is in the field of social media commerce and it has managed to attract the …

The influence of social media marketing on apparel brands' customers' satisfaction: The mediation of perceived value

Y Yang, Z Khan, Y Zhang - Asian Academy of Management …, 2020‏ - ejournal.usm.my
The development of social media has changed traditional media by providing a platform to
conduct marketing and advertising activities. Nowadays, social media offers the opportunity …

[HTML][HTML] Impact of personality traits and information privacy concern on e-learning environment adoption during COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Investigation

MH Peng, B Dutta - Sustainability, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning processes have experienced
significant changes. Higher education institutions in Taiwan employed crisis intervention …

Digital technologies application and competitive advantage for MSMEs sustainability and market performance

DS Budiarto, A Amanda, N Nordin - Ekuilibrium: Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2023‏ - journal.umpo.ac.id
The development of digital technology and intense competition have forced owners of small
firms (MSMEs) to adapt technological developments to compete with competitors quickly …

The effect of online deception on behavioral intention towards e-tailers: the mediating role of e-shop** value and e-trust

K Garrouch, MN Mzoughi, S Chaieb - Journal of Decision Systems, 2024‏ - Taylor & Francis
This research aims to establish the impact of online deception and e-security on behavioural
intentions towards e-retailers in Saudi Arabia, as well as highlight the mediating effects of …

Determinants factors of intention to adopt big data analytics in Malaysian public agencies

NZ Sahid, MKJA Sani, SA Noordin, MK Zaini… - Journal of Industrial …, 2021‏ - jiem.org
Purpose: This research objective was to analyze factors affecting IT practitioners' behavioral
intentions in adopting (BDA) using a combination of Initial Trust Model (ITM), Unified Theory …