Systematics of Miocene apes: State of the art of a neverending controversy
Hominoids diverged from cercopithecoids during the Oligocene in Afro-Arabia, initially
radiating in that continent and subsequently dispersing into Eurasia. From the Late Miocene …
radiating in that continent and subsequently dispersing into Eurasia. From the Late Miocene …
Late Cenozoic faunal and ecological change in Africa
Africa's fossil record of late Cenozoic mammals documents considerable ecological and
evolutionary changes through time. Here, we synthesize those changes in the context of the …
evolutionary changes through time. Here, we synthesize those changes in the context of the …
The Miocene primate Pliobates is a pliopithecoid
The systematic status of the small-bodied catarrhine primate Pliobates cataloniae, from the
Miocene (11.6 Ma) of Spain, is controversial because it displays a mosaic of primitive and …
Miocene (11.6 Ma) of Spain, is controversial because it displays a mosaic of primitive and …
The reconstructed cranium of Pierolapithecus and the evolution of the great ape face
Pierolapithecus catalaunicus (~ 12 million years ago, northeastern Spain) is key to
understanding the mosaic nature of hominid (great ape and human) evolution. Notably, its …
understanding the mosaic nature of hominid (great ape and human) evolution. Notably, its …
African apes and the evolutionary history of orthogrady and bipedalism
Since the first discovery of human fossils in the mid‐19th century, two subjects—our
phylogenetic relationship to living and fossil apes and the ancestral locomotor behaviors …
phylogenetic relationship to living and fossil apes and the ancestral locomotor behaviors …
[HTML][HTML] Total evidence phylogeny of platyrrhine primates and a comparison of undated and tip-dating approaches
There have been multiple published phylogenetic analyses of platyrrhine primates (New
World monkeys) using both morphological and molecular data, but relatively few that have …
World monkeys) using both morphological and molecular data, but relatively few that have …
A revised (earliest Vallesian) age for the hominoid-bearing locality of Can Mata 1 based on new magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data from Abocador de Can …
Abstract The Abocador de Can Mata (ACM) composite stratigraphic sequence (els Hostalets
de Pierola, Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula) has yielded a diverse primate …
de Pierola, Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula) has yielded a diverse primate …
Evolutionary ecology of Miocene hominoid primates in Southeast Asia
The evolutionary history and palaeoecology of orangutans remains poorly understood until
today. The restricted geographic distribution of extant Pongo indicates specific ecological …
today. The restricted geographic distribution of extant Pongo indicates specific ecological …
Twenty-five well-justified fossil calibrations for primate divergences
Phylogenies with estimates of divergence times are essential for investigating many
evolutionary questions. In principle,“tip-dating” is arguably the most appropriate approach …
evolutionary questions. In principle,“tip-dating” is arguably the most appropriate approach …
Evolution of vertebral numbers in primates, with a focus on hominoids and the last common ancestor of hominins and panins
The primate vertebral column has been extensively studied, with a particular focus on
hominoid primates and the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. The number …
hominoid primates and the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. The number …