The development of subjective well-being across the life span: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal studies.
How does subjective well-being (SWB) develop across the life span? Theories and previous
empirical research suggest heterogeneous conclusions regarding this question. Therefore …
empirical research suggest heterogeneous conclusions regarding this question. Therefore …
Factors associated with the life satisfaction amongst the rural elderly in Odisha, India
Abstract Background Life Satisfaction (LS) is an indicator of subjective well-being (SWB)
among the elderly, and is directly associated with health and mortality. Present study deals …
among the elderly, and is directly associated with health and mortality. Present study deals …
Does life satisfaction change in old age: Results from an 8-year longitudinal study
Objectives. The unexpected positive relationship between aging and happiness was called
“the paradox of well-being,” which is still a matter of debate. This study examined …
“the paradox of well-being,” which is still a matter of debate. This study examined …
Pregnancy anxiety and prenatal cortisol trajectories
Pregnancy anxiety is a potent predictor of adverse birth and infant outcomes. The goal of the
current study was to examine one potential mechanism whereby these effects may occur by …
current study was to examine one potential mechanism whereby these effects may occur by …
Social networking sites use and life satisfaction. A quantitative study on older people living in Europe
The European ageing population poses unprecedented challenges to society as a whole.
Social Networking Sites might be important tools to boost older people's well-being …
Social Networking Sites might be important tools to boost older people's well-being …
Social support buffers the impact of depressive symptoms on life satisfaction in old age
Objective: Life satisfaction is an important component of overall well-being and declines in
life satisfaction are related to adverse health outcomes and mortality. The current study …
life satisfaction are related to adverse health outcomes and mortality. The current study …
Multiple trajectories of successful aging of older and younger cohorts
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to apply group-based trajectory analysis to identify
multiple successful aging trajectories by multiple indicators and to examine the factors …
multiple successful aging trajectories by multiple indicators and to examine the factors …
Life satisfaction and depression in the oldest old: a longitudinal study
SW Lee, JS Choi, M Lee - The International Journal of Aging …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
This study aimed to analyze the effect of individual differences and family variables on life
satisfaction and depression in the oldest old compared with the young-old. A total of 1,799 …
satisfaction and depression in the oldest old compared with the young-old. A total of 1,799 …
Changes in life satisfaction in the retirement transition: Interaction effects of transition type and individual resources
The impact of retirement on well-being varies between individuals, but also within
individuals over time. Type of transition and individual differences in resource capability are …
individuals over time. Type of transition and individual differences in resource capability are …
Exploring the concept of optimal functionality in old age
S Algilani, L Östlund-Lagerström… - Journal of …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Background Aging is characterized by loss of function and represents a perspective that puts
the focus on the negative aspects of aging. Thus, it is fundamental to shift the focus from loss …
the focus on the negative aspects of aging. Thus, it is fundamental to shift the focus from loss …