The psychology of entrepreneurship: Action and process
We review the research on the psychology of entrepreneurship of the last decade. We focus
on two key topics in entrepreneurship research: action and process. Combining action and …
on two key topics in entrepreneurship research: action and process. Combining action and …
A racialized view of entrepreneurship: A review and proposal for future research
Entrepreneurship research, as with most organizational research, almost always adopts a
race neutral lens through which racial inequality is understood as exogenous to …
race neutral lens through which racial inequality is understood as exogenous to …
The well-being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles
The current study presents new evidence on the well-being of women entrepreneurs using
data from the World Values Survey for 80 countries. Results indicate that in low-and middle …
data from the World Values Survey for 80 countries. Results indicate that in low-and middle …
Act or wait-and-see? Adversity, agility, and entrepreneur wellbeing across countries during the COVID-19 pandemic
How can entrepreneurs protect their wellbeing during a crisis? Does engaging agility
(namely, opportunity agility and planning agility) in response to adversity help entrepreneurs …
(namely, opportunity agility and planning agility) in response to adversity help entrepreneurs …
The many faces of entrepreneurial loneliness
Loneliness, involving a complex set of feelings that occurs when social needs are not
adequately met, has been described as a worldwide modern epidemic. Despite its infiltration …
adequately met, has been described as a worldwide modern epidemic. Despite its infiltration …
Intentions for what? Comparing entrepreneurial intention types within female and male entrepreneurship students
Entrepreneurial Intention research has become a broad school of thought that can dilute its
potential influence on advancing entrepreneurship education. Career-based decisions are …
potential influence on advancing entrepreneurship education. Career-based decisions are …
A meta-analysis of the impact of entrepreneurs' gender on their access to bank finance
This meta-analysis of 31 studies over 20 years advances our understanding of the gender
gap in entrepreneurial bank finance. Findings from previous research on the relationship …
gap in entrepreneurial bank finance. Findings from previous research on the relationship …
Dark clouds on the horizon: Dark personality traits and the frontiers of the entrepreneurial economy
Recent developments in technology and shifting societal patterns threaten to upend norms
surrounding the world of work. The present paper introduces the idea of an emerging …
surrounding the world of work. The present paper introduces the idea of an emerging …
[HTML][HTML] How entrepreneurs influence their employees' job satisfaction: The double-edged sword of proactive personality
This paper aims to enhance our understanding of work and wellbeing in the entrepreneurial
society. We integrate research on proactive personality (PP) and job design to explore how …
society. We integrate research on proactive personality (PP) and job design to explore how …
Empathy-driven entrepreneurial action: Well-being outcomes for entrepreneurs and target beneficiaries
Empathy is a primary driver of social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial action. However,
empathizing individuals can arrive at different conclusions about what targets need. This …
empathizing individuals can arrive at different conclusions about what targets need. This …