The psychology of entrepreneurship: Action and process

M Frese, MM Gielnik - Annual Review of Organizational …, 2023‏ -
We review the research on the psychology of entrepreneurship of the last decade. We focus
on two key topics in entrepreneurship research: action and process. Combining action and …

A racialized view of entrepreneurship: A review and proposal for future research

GD Bruton, A Lewis, JA Cerecedo-Lopez… - Academy of …, 2023‏ -
Entrepreneurship research, as with most organizational research, almost always adopts a
race neutral lens through which racial inequality is understood as exogenous to …

The well-being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles

I Love, B Nikolaev, C Dhakal - Small Business Economics, 2024‏ - Springer
The current study presents new evidence on the well-being of women entrepreneurs using
data from the World Values Survey for 80 countries. Results indicate that in low-and middle …

Act or wait-and-see? Adversity, agility, and entrepreneur wellbeing across countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

U Stephan, P Zbierowski… - … Theory and Practice, 2023‏ -
How can entrepreneurs protect their wellbeing during a crisis? Does engaging agility
(namely, opportunity agility and planning agility) in response to adversity help entrepreneurs …

The many faces of entrepreneurial loneliness

MS Cardon, RP Arwine - Personnel Psychology, 2024‏ - Wiley Online Library
Loneliness, involving a complex set of feelings that occurs when social needs are not
adequately met, has been described as a worldwide modern epidemic. Despite its infiltration …

Intentions for what? Comparing entrepreneurial intention types within female and male entrepreneurship students

C Donaldson, MH González-Serrano… - The International Journal …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Entrepreneurial Intention research has become a broad school of thought that can dilute its
potential influence on advancing entrepreneurship education. Career-based decisions are …

A meta-analysis of the impact of entrepreneurs' gender on their access to bank finance

M Malmström, B Burkhard, C Sirén, D Shepherd… - Journal of Business …, 2024‏ - Springer
This meta-analysis of 31 studies over 20 years advances our understanding of the gender
gap in entrepreneurial bank finance. Findings from previous research on the relationship …

Dark clouds on the horizon: Dark personality traits and the frontiers of the entrepreneurial economy

PD Harms, JV White, TNA Fezzey - Journal of Business Research, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Recent developments in technology and shifting societal patterns threaten to upend norms
surrounding the world of work. The present paper introduces the idea of an emerging …

[HTML][HTML] How entrepreneurs influence their employees' job satisfaction: The double-edged sword of proactive personality

U Stephan, K Strauss, MJ Gorgievski… - Journal of Business …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
This paper aims to enhance our understanding of work and wellbeing in the entrepreneurial
society. We integrate research on proactive personality (PP) and job design to explore how …

Empathy-driven entrepreneurial action: Well-being outcomes for entrepreneurs and target beneficiaries

DA Shepherd, S Seyb, TA Williams - Journal of Business Venturing, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Empathy is a primary driver of social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial action. However,
empathizing individuals can arrive at different conclusions about what targets need. This …