Artificial intelligence techniques and their applications in drilling fluid engineering: A review
For an oil well to be said to have been successfully and conclusively drilled, the drilling fluid
lies at the heart of the solution. Therefore, the guarantee to solving issues in oil well drilling …
lies at the heart of the solution. Therefore, the guarantee to solving issues in oil well drilling …
A review of machine learning applications to coastal sediment transport and morphodynamics
A range of computer science methods termed machine learning (ML) enables the extraction
of insight and quantitative relationships from multidimensional datasets. Here, we review the …
of insight and quantitative relationships from multidimensional datasets. Here, we review the …
The future of coastal and estuarine modeling: Findings from a workshop
This paper summarizes the findings of a workshop convened in the United States in 2018 to
discuss methods in coastal and estuarine modeling and to propose key areas of research …
discuss methods in coastal and estuarine modeling and to propose key areas of research …
Climate change and coastal morphodynamics: Interactions on regional scales
Climate change and its impacts, combined with unchecked human activities, intensify
pressures on coastal environments, resulting in modification of the coastal morphodynamics …
pressures on coastal environments, resulting in modification of the coastal morphodynamics …
Transport of marine microplastic particles: why is it so difficult to predict?
L Khatmullina, I Chubarenko - Anthropocene Coasts, 2019 -
Marine microplastic particles (MPs,< 5 mm) exhibit wide ranges of densities, sizes, and
shapes, so that the entire MPs “ensemble” at every time instant can be characterized by …
shapes, so that the entire MPs “ensemble” at every time instant can be characterized by …
Solving petrological problems through machine learning: the study case of tectonic discrimination using geochemical and isotopic data
Abstract Machine-learning methods are evaluated to study the intriguing and debated topic
of discrimination among different tectonic environments using geochemical and isotopic …
of discrimination among different tectonic environments using geochemical and isotopic …
On the settling of marine carbonate grains: Review and challenges
Particle settling velocity is a fundamental parameter in sedimentology and engineering, and
has accordingly received much attention in the literature. Grain properties, such as shape …
has accordingly received much attention in the literature. Grain properties, such as shape …
Estimation of settling velocity using generalized reduced gradient (GRG) and hybrid generalized reduced gradient–genetic algorithm (hybrid GRG-GA)
This study describes the settling velocity phenomenon and deals with the methods for its
estimation. The accuracy of three previously proposed settling velocity equations is also …
estimation. The accuracy of three previously proposed settling velocity equations is also …
Machine learning-based prediction for settling velocity of microplastics with various shapes
Microplastics can easily enter the aquatic environment and be transported between water
bodies. The terminal settling velocity of microplastics, which affects their transport and …
bodies. The terminal settling velocity of microplastics, which affects their transport and …
Settling velocity of drill cuttings in drilling fluids: A review of experimental, numerical simulations and artificial intelligence studies
In this paper, a comprehensive review of experimental, numerical and artificial intelligence
studies on the subject of cuttings settling velocity in drilling muds made by researchers over …
studies on the subject of cuttings settling velocity in drilling muds made by researchers over …