Beyond capitalist enclosure, commodification and alienation: Postcapitalist praxis as commons, social production and useful doing
This paper aims to further a geographical agenda through the concept of postcapitalism. We
outline its contours across three terrains of transformation between capitalism and …
outline its contours across three terrains of transformation between capitalism and …
Making diversity research matter for social change: New conversations beyond the firm
This paper argues that, to fulfil the ambition to foster equality and social justice, diversity
research should move outside the empirical and ideational boundaries of the firm, which …
research should move outside the empirical and ideational boundaries of the firm, which …
The illusion of the digital commons:'False consciousness' in online alternative economies
Digital commons such as Wikipedia, open-source software, and hospitality exchanges are
frequently seen as forms of resistance to capitalist modes of production and consumption, as …
frequently seen as forms of resistance to capitalist modes of production and consumption, as …
Prefiguring alternatives through the articulation of post-and anti-capitalistic politics: An introduction to three additional papers and a reflection
P Zanoni - Organization, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
In this introduction to the second part of the special issue on alternative economies
published in Organization in 2017, I first briefly chart key fora where the debate has …
published in Organization in 2017, I first briefly chart key fora where the debate has …
Anticapitalism or postcapitalism? Both!
E Miller - Rethinking Marxism, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The exchange of ideas between Jodi Dean and Stephen Healy at the 2013 Rethinking
Marxism International Conference, taken together, presents a seemingly either/or choice …
Marxism International Conference, taken together, presents a seemingly either/or choice …
[HTML][HTML] Can direct democracy deliver an alternative to extractivism? An essay on popular consultations
NA García - Political Geography, 2022 - Elsevier
Between 2013 and 2018, ten different municipalities in Colombia held popular consultations
in which people were asked to decide whether they wanted or not extractive industries in …
in which people were asked to decide whether they wanted or not extractive industries in …
Unbinding ideology: The impact of communist indoctrination revocation in polish schools on later life self-employment
PC Patel - Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2024 - Elsevier
Given communist ideologies discourage individual enterprise, this research investigates
whether eliminating compulsory Marxist-Leninist indoctrination from schools influences later …
whether eliminating compulsory Marxist-Leninist indoctrination from schools influences later …
A planet of surplus life: Building worlds beyond capitalism
IGR Shaw, M Waterstone - Antipode, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Capitalism is an immense machine for churning out surplus life. Its long war of enclosure
has captured, controlled, and pauperised human life, and laid waste to nonhuman life. This …
has captured, controlled, and pauperised human life, and laid waste to nonhuman life. This …
Social enterprise and community development: Theory into practice in two Cambodian villages
I Lyne - 2017 - search.proquest.com
Social enterprise (or business driven by social objectives) is a prominent focus of
development policy. In higher income countries it has become a strategy for regional …
development policy. In higher income countries it has become a strategy for regional …
Surplus labor and subjectivity in urban agriculture: Embodied work, contested work
L Drake - Economic Geography, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines unpaid work within urban agriculture sites. It focuses on the extra work—
the surplus labor—that is performed to sustain these sites and how this work relates to …
the surplus labor—that is performed to sustain these sites and how this work relates to …