Investigating the neurocognitive background of speech perception with a fast multi-feature MMN paradigm

F Honbolygó, B Zulauf, MI Zavogianni, V Csépe - Biologia Futura, 2024 - Springer
The speech multi-feature MMN (Mismatch Negativity) offers a means to explore the
neurocognitive background of the processing of multiple speech features in a short time, by …

The processing of stress in a foreign language modulates functional antagonism between default mode and attention network regions

L Rogenmoser, M Mouthon, F Etter, J Kamber… - Neuropsychologia, 2023 - Elsevier
Lexical stress is an essential element of prosody. Mastering this prosodic feature is
challenging, especially in a free-stress foreign language for individuals native to a fixed …

[HTML][HTML] Predicting Discrimination in L3 Portuguese by Hungarian Speakers: The Effect of Perceptual Overlap

G Tavares, A Deme, S Correia - Languages, 2024 -
Perceptual overlap has been attested as significantly contributing to difficulties in L2 speech
perception. The current study aims at investigating whether this effect is also observable in …

[HTML][HTML] Expectations about word stress modulate neural activity in speech-sensitive cortical areas

F Honbolygó, A Kóbor, P Hermann, ÁO Kettinger… - Neuropsychologia, 2020 - Elsevier
A recent dual-stream model of language processing proposed that the postero-dorsal
stream performs predictive sequential processing of linguistic information via hierarchically …

Explicit versus non-explicit prosodic training in the learning of Spanish L2 stress contrasts by French listeners

S Schwab, V Dellwo - Journal of Second Language Studies, 2022 -
Different methods to acquire a language can contribute differently to learning success. In the
present study we tested the success of L2 stress contrasts acquisition, when ab initio …

Word stress representations are language‐specific: Evidence from event‐related brain potentials

F Honbolygó, A Kóbor, B German… - Psychophysiology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Understanding speech at the basic levels entails the simultaneous and independent
processing of phonemic and prosodic features. While it is well‐established that phoneme …

Working memory and not acoustic sensitivity is related to stress processing ability in a foreign language: An ERP study

S Schwab, N Giroud, M Meyer, V Dellwo - Journal of Neurolinguistics, 2020 - Elsevier
Listeners in fixed-stress languages are less sensitive in processing stress contrasts in a
second language with contrastive stress (stress' deafness'). We investigated whether native …

The influence of linguistic and cognitive background on word stress processing in an unknown language

S Schwab, F Etter, J Kamber, M Mouthon… - Journal of Second …, 2024 -
Individual differences in working memory and musical aptitude, as well as task complexity
are crucial in predicting the performance of word stress perception in a second language …

ERP evidence for implicit L2 word stress knowledge in listeners of a fixed-stress language

A Kóbor, F Honbolygó, ABC Becker, U Schild… - International Journal of …, 2018 - Elsevier
Languages with contrastive stress, such as English or German, distinguish some words only
via the stress status of their syllables, such as “CONtent” and “conTENT”(capitals indicate a …

Neural correlates of lexical stress processing in a foreign free‐stress language

S Schwab, M Mouthon, LB Jost, J Salvadori… - Brain and …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Introduction The paper examines the discrimination of lexical stress contrasts in a foreign
language from a neural perspective. The aim of the study was to identify the areas …