tRophicPosition, an r package for the Bayesian estimation of trophic position from consumer stable isotope ratios
Stable isotope analysis provides a powerful tool to identify the energy sources which fuel
consumers, to understand trophic interactions and to infer consumer trophic position (TP), an …
consumers, to understand trophic interactions and to infer consumer trophic position (TP), an …
Widespread variation in stable isotope trophic position estimates: patterns, causes, and potential consequences
MKK Kjeldgaard, JA Hewlett… - Ecological …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Stable isotope analysis is one of the most widely used techniques to estimate trophic
position and provides fundamental insight into the structure and management of ecological …
position and provides fundamental insight into the structure and management of ecological …
Characterizing energy flow in kelp forest food webs: a geochemical review and call for additional research
Kelp forests are highly productive coastal habitats that serve as biodiversity hotspots and
provide valuable ecosystem services. Despite being one the largest marine biomes, kelp …
provide valuable ecosystem services. Despite being one the largest marine biomes, kelp …
From clear lakes to murky waters–tracing the functional response of high‐latitude lake communities to concurrent 'greening'and 'browning'
Climate change and the intensification of land use practices are causing widespread
eutrophication of subarctic lakes. The implications of this rapid change for lake ecosystem …
eutrophication of subarctic lakes. The implications of this rapid change for lake ecosystem …
Multiple stable isotopes (C, N & S) provide evidence for fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) trophic ecology and movements in the Humboldt Current System of …
D Andrade, AM García-Cegarra, F Docmac… - Marine Environmental …, 2023 - Elsevier
Reflecting the intense coastal upwelling and high primary productivity characteristic of the
Humboldt Current System (HCS), the northern coast of Chile supports a diverse and …
Humboldt Current System (HCS), the northern coast of Chile supports a diverse and …
Bottom-up processes drive isotopic variation in the South American sea lion Otaria flavescens across a 2300 km latitudinal gradient
Spatial differences in the isotope values of widely distributed marine apex consumers may
reflect geographical differences in the isotopic composition of basal resources (eg …
reflect geographical differences in the isotopic composition of basal resources (eg …
Ocean conditions influence the quality of recruiting benthic marine invertebrate larvae—Insights from fatty acids
Many marine benthic invertebrates have a pelagic life stage, during which larvae need to
accumulate enough reserves to complete metamorphosis to a settled benthic juvenile …
accumulate enough reserves to complete metamorphosis to a settled benthic juvenile …
Coastal marine ecosystem connectivity: pelagic ocean to kelp forest subsidies
The movement of trophic resources between and among ecosystems, referred to as cross‐
ecosystem subsidies, is a common phenomenon. In the marine environment, both adjacent …
ecosystem subsidies, is a common phenomenon. In the marine environment, both adjacent …
Plasticity of trophic interactions in fish assemblages results in temporal stability of benthic-pelagic couplings
CA Timmerman, C Giraldo, P Cresson… - Marine Environmental …, 2021 - Elsevier
This study addresses the temporal variability of couplings between pelagic and benthic
habitats for fish assemblages at five periods in a shallow epicontinental sea, the Eastern …
habitats for fish assemblages at five periods in a shallow epicontinental sea, the Eastern …
Intraspecific variation and energy channel coupling within a Chilean kelp forest
The widespread importance of variable types of primary production, or energy channels, to
consumer communities has become increasingly apparent. However, the mechanisms …
consumer communities has become increasingly apparent. However, the mechanisms …