[ספר][B] Metaphor, cancer and the end of life: A corpus-based study

E Semino, Z Demjén, A Hardie, S Payne, P Rayson - 2017‏ - taylorfrancis.com
This book presents the methodology, findings and implications of a large-scale corpus-
based study of the metaphors used to talk about cancer and the end of life (including care at …

[ספר][B] An introduction to cognitive linguistics

F Ungerer, HJ Schmid - 2013‏ - taylorfrancis.com
Learning About Language is an exciting and ambitious series of introductions to
fundamental topics in language, linguistics and related areas. The books are designed for …

[ספר][B] The linguistics of laughter: A corpus-assisted study of laughter-talk

A Partington - 2006‏ - taylorfrancis.com
The Linguistics of Laughter examines what speakers try to achieve by producing 'laughter-
talk'(the talk preceding and eliciting an episode of laughter) and, by using abundant …

The privileged role of the late-night joke: Exploring humor's role in disrupting argument scrutiny

DG Young - Media Psychology, 2008‏ - Taylor & Francis
This article explores humor's impact on cognitive processing of political messages. Although
recent research has pointed to effects of late-night comedy viewing on political attitudes and …

[ספר][B] Language and professional identity: Aspects of collaborative interaction

K Richards - 2006‏ - books.google.com
This book explores the ways in which professional groups develop specific interactional
procedures for conducting and representing their activities, all of which contribute to a …

Investigating the dynamics of humor: Towards a theory of interactional humor

J Chovanec, V Tsakona - The dynamics of interactional humor, 2018‏ - degruyter.com
While semanticopragmatic approaches to humor usually view it as stemming from
incongruity, many current studies from fields such as discourse analysis, conversation …

Puns, relevance and appreciation in advertisements

M Van Mulken, R Van Enschot-van Dijk, H Hoeken - Journal of pragmatics, 2005‏ - Elsevier
Puns are popular rhetorical figures in advertisements. A distinction can be made between
puns in which both interpretations are relevant to the advertiser's message (eg,“The gift that …

Humor, unlaughter, and boundary maintenance

M Smith - Journal of American Folklore, 2009‏ - scholarlypublishingcollective.org
Some joke performances are meant to elicit differential responses-laughter from some, and
unlaughter from salient others-and so serve as powerful methods for heightening group …


S Attardo - Handbook of pragmatics, 2020‏ - degruyter.com
Canned jokes are (mostly) narratives and hence they need to be introduced in the ow of
conversation, for example so that the narrator may be granted the oor for an extended turn …

[ספר][B] The Routledge pragmatics encyclopedia

L Cummings - 2010‏ - taylorfrancis.com
Pragmatics has grown considerably in its relatively short history, from its original disciplinary
influences in philosophy and linguistics, into a multidisciplinary field that encompasses a …