Communication in organizations
This article focuses on the study of organizational communication, which is a dominant
subarea of communication scholarship as recognized by the National Communication …
subarea of communication scholarship as recognized by the National Communication …
Beyond entanglement:(Socio-) materiality and organization studies
Although we have to welcome the renewed interest in socio-materiality in organization
studies, I claim that we are yet to understand what taking matter seriously really means. The …
studies, I claim that we are yet to understand what taking matter seriously really means. The …
Communicating inclusion: A review and research agenda on inclusion research in organizational communication
Inclusion is a topic of interest to many organizational communication scholars and is often
implicit in research, but not fully articulated. In this paper, we review the published English …
implicit in research, but not fully articulated. In this paper, we review the published English …
The communicative constitution of organization, organizing, and organizationality
Although the lion's share of scholarship in management and organization studies conceives
of organizations as entities within which communication occurs,“Communication Constitutes …
of organizations as entities within which communication occurs,“Communication Constitutes …
[ספר][B] Organizational culture in action: A cultural analysis workbook
G Driskill - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Offering students and practitioners an applied approach to the subject, Organizational
Culture in Action (OCA) walks them through a six-step model for analyzing an organization's …
Culture in Action (OCA) walks them through a six-step model for analyzing an organization's …
Teachers' agency, efficacy, engagement, and emotional resilience during policy innovation implementation
This multiple case study investigated 143 teachers' responses to focus group questions
about their experiences with the simultaneous implementation of three disruptive …
about their experiences with the simultaneous implementation of three disruptive …
Niklas Luhmann's radical communication approach and its implications for research on organizational communication
With his suggestion to conceptualize organizational communication without recourse to
human beings' intention, the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann offered a radically new …
human beings' intention, the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann offered a radically new …
Social actors “to go”: An analytical toolkit to explore agency in business discourse and communication
We argue that language awareness and discourse analytical skills should be part of
business communication curricula. To this end, we propose a three-step analytical model …
business communication curricula. To this end, we propose a three-step analytical model …
A paradox‐constitutive perspective of organizational gossip
We review cross‐disciplinary research on gossip and integrate it with two streams of
theoretical scholarship: paradox theory and the communicative constitution of organization …
theoretical scholarship: paradox theory and the communicative constitution of organization …
The relational ontology of resistance: Hybridity, ventriloquism, and materiality in the production of bike commuting as resistance
Many studies of organizational resistance have focused on a knowing agent who intends to
challenge power. In contrast, we suggest that resistance is the product of many agents of …
challenge power. In contrast, we suggest that resistance is the product of many agents of …