Short-pulse laser-plasma interactions

P Gibbon, E Förster - Plasma physics and controlled fusion, 1996‏ -
Recent theoretical and experimental research with short-pulse, high-intensity lasers is
surveyed with particular emphasis on new physical processes that occur in interactions with …

[ספר][B] Short pulse laser interactions with matter: an introduction

P Gibbon - 2005‏ -
This book represents the first comprehensive treatment of the subject, covering the
theoretical principles, present experimental status and important applications of short-pulse …

Self-focusing and guiding of short laser pulses in ionizing gases and plasmas

E Esarey, P Sprangle, J Krall… - IEEE journal of quantum …, 1997‏ -
Several features of intense, short-pulse (/spl lsim/1 ps) laser propagation in gases
undergoing ionization and in plasmas are reviewed, discussed, and analyzed. The wave …

Plasma channel formation and guiding during high intensity short pulse laser plasma experiments

K Krushelnick, A Ting, CI Moore, HR Burris, E Esarey… - Physical review …, 1997‏ - APS
A plasma channel is formed behind a self-guided, subpicosecond, 2 TW laser pulse in a
hydrogen gas jet plasma. The channel is produced from the radial expulsion of plasma ions …

Plasma wakefield generation and electron acceleration in a self-modulated laser wakefield accelerator experiment

A Ting, CI Moore, K Krushelnick, C Manka… - Physics of …, 1997‏ -
A self-modulated laser wakefield accelerator (SM-LWFA) experiment was performed at the
Naval Research Laboratory. Large amplitude plasma wakefields produced by a sub …

High-repetition-rate (kHz) targets and optics from liquid microjets for high-intensity laser–plasma interactions

KM George, JT Morrison, S Feister… - High Power Laser …, 2019‏ -
High-intensity laser–plasma interactions produce a wide array of energetic particles and
beams with promising applications. Unfortunately, the high repetition rate and high average …

Influence of ionization on ultrafast gas-based nonlinear fiber optics

W Chang, A Nazarkin, JC Travers, J Nold, P Hölzer… - Optics express, 2011‏ -
We numerically investigate the effect of ionization on ultrashort high-energy pulses
propagating in gas-filled kagomé-lattice hollow-core photonic crystal fibers by solving an …

Evolution of a plasma waveguide created during relativistic-ponderomotive self-channeling of an intense laser pulse

SY Chen, GS Sarkisov, A Maksimchuk, R Wagner… - Physical review …, 1998‏ - APS
An on-axis plasma density depression channel was observed during and after the passage
of a relativistically and ponderomotively self-guided laser pulse through a plasma. Optical …

Direct measurement of prepulse suppression by use of a plasma shutter

DM Gold - Optics letters, 1994‏ -
A direct measurement is presented that quantifies prepulse reduction in an intense,
ultrashort pulse on reflection from a high-density plasma created from a SiO_2 target at …

Spectral determination of the amplitude and the phase of intense ultrashort optical pulses

ETJ Nibbering, MA Franco, BS Prade… - Journal of the Optical …, 1996‏ -
We present the results of the spectral analysis of intense ultrashort laser pulses propagating
through nonlinear transparent media. We discuss the spectral features characteristic of the …