Gauge theories on quantum spaces

K Hersent, P Mathieu, JC Wallet - Physics Reports, 2023‏ - Elsevier
We review the present status of gauge theories built on various quantum space–times
described by noncommutative space–times. The mathematical tools and notions underlying …

Poisson gauge models and Seiberg-Witten map

VG Kupriyanov, MA Kurkov, P Vitale - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022‏ - Springer
A bstract The semiclassical limit of full non-commutative gauge theory is known as Poisson
gauge theory. In this work we revise the construction of Poisson gauge theory paying …

Lie-Poisson gauge theories and κ-Minkowski electrodynamics

VG Kupriyanov, MA Kurkov, P Vitale - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023‏ - Springer
A bstract We consider gauge theories on Poisson manifolds emerging as semiclassical
approximations of noncommutative spacetime with Lie algebra type noncommutativity. We …

Noncommutative field theories on : towards UV/IR mixing freedom

P Vitale, JC Wallet - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013‏ - Springer
A bstract We consider the noncommutative space\(\mathbb {R} _ {\lambda}^ 3\), a
deformation of the algebra of functions on\({{\mathbb {R}}^ 3}\) which yields a “foliation” …

Gauge theories on κ-Minkowski spaces: twist and modular operators

P Mathieu, JC Wallet - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020‏ - Springer
A bstract We discuss the construction of κ-Poincaré invariant actions for gauge theories on κ-
Minkowski spaces. We consider various classes of untwisted and (bi) twisted differential …

Connes distance by examples: Homothetic spectral metric spaces

JC Wallet - Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 2012‏ - World Scientific
We study metric properties stemming from the Connes spectral distance on three types of
non-compact non-commutative spaces which have received attention recently from various …

-Poincaré invariant quantum field theories with Kubo-Martin-Schwinger weight

T Poulain, JC Wallet - Physical Review D, 2018‏ - APS
A natural star product for 4-d κ-Minkowski space is used to investigate various classes of κ-
Poincaré invariant scalar field theories with quartic interactions whose commutative limit …

Quantum gauge theories on noncommutative three-dimensional space

A Géré, P Vitale, JC Wallet - Physical Review D, 2014‏ - APS
We consider a class of gauge-invariant models on the noncommutative space R λ 3, a
deformation of the algebra of functions on R 3. Focusing on massless models with no linear …

A novel approach to non-commutative gauge theory

VG Kupriyanov, P Vitale - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020‏ - Springer
A bstract We propose a field theoretical model defined on non-commutative space-time with
non-constant non-commutativity parameter Θ (x), which satisfies two main requirements: it is …

Single extra dimension from κ-Poincaré and gauge invariance

P Mathieu, JC Wallet - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021‏ - Springer
A bstract We show that κ-Poincaré invariant gauge theories on κ-Minkowski space with
physically acceptable commutative (low energy) limit must be 5-d. The gauge invariance …