Charged particle and epicyclic motions around 4D Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet black hole immersed in an external magnetic field
We investigate particle motion in the vicinity of a 4 D Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet (EGB) black
hole immersed in external asymptotically uniform magnetic field. It is well known that …
hole immersed in external asymptotically uniform magnetic field. It is well known that …
Charged black hole in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity: particle motion, plasma effect on weak gravitational lensing and centre-of-mass energy
We study the motion of charged and spinning particles and photons in the 4D charged
Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) black hole vicinity. We determine the radius of the innermost …
Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) black hole vicinity. We determine the radius of the innermost …
Effect of perfect fluid dark matter on particle motion around a static black hole immersed in an external magnetic field
We investigate particle and photon motion in the vicinity of a static and spherically symmetric
black hole surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter in the presence of an external …
black hole surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter in the presence of an external …
Dynamics of magnetized particles around 4-D Einstein Gauss–Bonnet black hole
In this paper, we have investigated the dynamics of magnetized particles around 4-D
Einstein Gauss–Bonnet black hole immersed in an external asymptotically uniform magnetic …
Einstein Gauss–Bonnet black hole immersed in an external asymptotically uniform magnetic …
Circular motion and collisions of particles with magnetic dipole moment and electric charge in dipolar magnetosphere around Schwarzschild black holes
No-hair theorem indicates that black holes cannot have their own magnetic dipole moment.
They can be weakly magnetized in binary systems with a neutron star companion and an …
They can be weakly magnetized in binary systems with a neutron star companion and an …
Charged particle motion and electromagnetic field in spacetime
We consider the electromagnetic field occurring in the background of a static, axially
symmetric vacuum solution of Einstein's field equations immersed in an external magnetic …
symmetric vacuum solution of Einstein's field equations immersed in an external magnetic …
Effect of an external magnetic field on particle acceleration by a rotating black hole surrounded with quintessential energy
We investigate particle motion and collisions in the vicinity of rotating black holes immersed
in combined cosmological quintessential scalar field and external magnetic field. The …
in combined cosmological quintessential scalar field and external magnetic field. The …
Magnetized Particles with Electric Charge around Schwarzschild Black Holes in External Magnetic Fields
We investigate the dynamics of test particles endowed with both electric charge and a
magnetic dipole moment around a Schwarzschild black hole (BH) immersed in an externally …
magnetic dipole moment around a Schwarzschild black hole (BH) immersed in an externally …
Kerr-Newman-modified-gravity black hole's impact on the magnetic reconnection
In this paper, we study the magnetic reconnection process of energy extraction from a
rapidly rotating Kerr-Newman-modified-gravity (MOG) black hole by investigating the …
rapidly rotating Kerr-Newman-modified-gravity (MOG) black hole by investigating the …
Dynamics of particles with electric charge and magnetic dipole moment near Schwarzschild-MOG black hole
The study of electromagnetic interactions among test particles with electric charges and
magnetic dipole moments is of great significance when examining the dynamics of particles …
magnetic dipole moments is of great significance when examining the dynamics of particles …