[PDF][PDF] Implementation of an inquiry learning model with science literacy to improve student critical thinking skills

A Sutiani - International Journal of Instruction, 2021 - digilib.unimed.ac.id
The development of good learning resources on inquiry learning model with science literacy
as a strategy to facilitate active learning has become a trend in education. Critical thinking …

Develo** Innovative Chemistry Laboratory Workbook Integrated with Project-Based Learning and Character-Based Chemistry.

B Nainggolan, W Hutabarat, M Situmorang… - International Journal of …, 2020 - ERIC
The research was carried out through research and development to produce an innovative
chemistry laboratory workbook (InoChemLaW) followed by the implementation of the …

Implementation of Learning Innovations to Improve Teacher Competence in Professional Certificate Programs for In-Service Teachers

M Situmorang, S Gultom, A Mansyur, S Gultom… - International Journal of …, 2022 - e-iji.net
Abstract Teacher Professional Education is one of the education program to improve teacher
competence in getting professional teacher certificates. This study aims to implement …

[PDF][PDF] Implementation of project-based learning innovation to develop students' critical thinking skills as a strategy to achieve analytical chemistry competencies

M Situmorang, M Sinaga, M Sitorus, A Sudrajat - chemistry, 2022 - archives.ijper.org
Background: The ability to think critically is one of the life skill targets that pharmacists and
scientists want to achieve in learning, therefore it is necessary to do project-based learning …

[PDF][PDF] Implementation of an innovative learning resource with project to facilitate active learning to improve students' performance on chemistry

M Situmorang, J Purba, R Silaban - Indian Journal of …, 2020 - researchgate.net
Background: The provision of suitable and comprehensive learning resources concedes to
be an effective strategy to create a serviceable learning process to achieve the …

Chemical education and research in India: Challenges, perspectives, and future opportunities in line with the national education policy 2020

S Senapati, HS Nagaraja… - Journal of Chemical …, 2022 - ACS Publications
Demographically India is in a very unique position compared to many other countries in the
world. At present, the under-25 population in India is more than 50% of India's total …

[PDF][PDF] The development and implementation of innovative learning resource with guided projects for the teaching of carboxylic acid topic

J Purba, M Situmorang… - Indian Journal of …, 2019 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Background: The development of good learning resources in line with current technology to
facilitate active learning has become a trend in education. An innovative learning material is …

Action research with projects to facilitate students to study research and prepare research proposals during the Covid-19 pandemic

HN Situmorang, FTM Panggabean… - Educational Action …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Knowledge and skills in the field of research are key requirements for the successful
completion of studies for students, including prospective teachers. However, the outbreak of …

Meta-analysis of chemistry-based interdisciplinary informal research experience program for high school students

NJ Al-Thani, N Siby, A Saad, J Bhadra… - Evaluation and Program …, 2025 - Elsevier
Research-based learning models, particularly interdisciplinary programs, are crucial in
promoting STEM skills and fostering positive attitudes among students. This study presents a …

Validation of ExPRession Learning Model-based E-Worksheet Assisted with Heyzine to Construct Computational Thinking Skill

FAI Pratiwi, K Herlina, V Viyanti… - Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan …, 2023 - ppjp.ulm.ac.id
This study aims to determine the validity of the e-worksheet based on the Expression
Learning model to construct students' computational skills in direct current electric circuit …