DRDE: Dual run distribution based encoding scheme for sustainable IoT applications
Nowadays, data is ubiquitous and has a significant influence on our day-to-day activities
due to the emergence of high speed internet and widespread use of sensor-enabled Internet …
due to the emergence of high speed internet and widespread use of sensor-enabled Internet …
[PDF][PDF] DRDE: Dual Run Distribution Based Encoding Scheme for Sustainable IoT Applications
Nowadays, data is ubiquitous and has a significant influence on our day-to-day activities
due to the emergence of high speed internet and widespread use of sensor-enabled Internet …
due to the emergence of high speed internet and widespread use of sensor-enabled Internet …
Constrained Optimization-Based Routing for Multipath and Multihop Propagation in WSN
Majority of the energy-aware routing protocols for wireless sensor networks focus on
hierarchical routing mechanism, eg, clustering algorithm. The significant disadvantage of the …
hierarchical routing mechanism, eg, clustering algorithm. The significant disadvantage of the …
Propagation in WSN
With the rapid spread of pervasive computing, the use of sensor nodes in various wireless
applications is increasing these days. One major application of wireless communication has …
applications is increasing these days. One major application of wireless communication has …
Dual-Message Compression with Variable Null Symbol Incorporation on Constrained Optimization-Based Multipath and Multihop Routing in WSN
Majority of the energy-aware routing protocols for wireless sensor networks focus on
hierarchical routing mechanism which is having major drawback of rapid depletion of battery …
hierarchical routing mechanism which is having major drawback of rapid depletion of battery …
Multipath and Multihop Routing in WSN
Majority of the energy-aware routing protocols for wireless sensor net-works focus on
hierarchical routing mechanism which is having major drawback of rapid depletion of battery …
hierarchical routing mechanism which is having major drawback of rapid depletion of battery …