Reengineering legacy applications into software product lines: a systematic map**
Abstract Software Product Lines (SPLs) are families of systems that share common assets
allowing a disciplined reuse. Rarely SPLs start from scratch, instead they usually start from a …
allowing a disciplined reuse. Rarely SPLs start from scratch, instead they usually start from a …
A literature review and comparison of three feature location techniques using argouml-spl
Over the last decades, the adoption of Software Product Line (SPL) engineering for
supporting software reuse has increased. An SPL can be extracted from one single product …
supporting software reuse has increased. An SPL can be extracted from one single product …
Bottom-up adoption of software product lines: a generic and extensible approach
Although Software Product Lines are recurrently praised as an efficient paradigm for
systematic reuse, practical adoption remains challenging. For bottom-up Software Product …
systematic reuse, practical adoption remains challenging. For bottom-up Software Product …
Variability extraction and modeling for product variants
Fast changing hardware and software technologies in addition to larger and more
specialized customer bases demand software tailored to meet very diverse requirements …
specialized customer bases demand software tailored to meet very diverse requirements …
Where is my feature and what is it about? a case study on recovering feature facets
Developers commonly use features to define, manage, and communicate functionalities of a
system. Unfortunately, the locations of features in code and other characteristics (feature …
system. Unfortunately, the locations of features in code and other characteristics (feature …
Automating the extraction of model-based software product lines from model variants (T)
We address the problem of automating 1) the analysis of existing similar model variants and
2) migrating them into a software product line. Our approach, named MoVaPL, considers the …
2) migrating them into a software product line. Our approach, named MoVaPL, considers the …
Towards a better understanding of software features and their characteristics: A case study of marlin
The notion of features is commonly used to describe, structure, and communicate the
functionalities of a system. Unfortunately, features and their locations in software artifacts are …
functionalities of a system. Unfortunately, features and their locations in software artifacts are …
Features and how to find them: a survey of manual feature location
The notion of features is commonly used to maintain, evolve, reuse, or re-engineer a
software system. To this end, developers need to understand the features and their …
software system. To this end, developers need to understand the features and their …
Evolving software system families in space and time with feature revisions
Software companies commonly develop and maintain variants of systems, with different
feature combinations for different customers. Thus, they must cope with variability in space …
feature combinations for different customers. Thus, they must cope with variability in space …
Feature location benchmark with ArgoUML SPL
Feature location is a traceability recovery activity to identify the implementation elements
associated to a characteristic of a system. Besides its relevance for software maintenance of …
associated to a characteristic of a system. Besides its relevance for software maintenance of …