Overcoming the challenges of integrating variable renewable energy to the grid: A comprehensive review of electrochemical battery storage systems
The increasing penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar and wind
is creating new challenges for the stability and reliability of power systems. Electrochemical …
is creating new challenges for the stability and reliability of power systems. Electrochemical …
A double-PLLs-based impedance resha** method for extending stability range of grid-following inverter under weak grid
Conventional vector current control scheme has been widely used in grid-connected inverter
systems. However, it suffers from severe power limitation issues under weak grids. This …
systems. However, it suffers from severe power limitation issues under weak grids. This …
[HTML][HTML] Grid impact of photovoltaics, electric vehicles and heat pumps on distribution grids—An overview
Distributed generation, such as photovoltaics (PVs), and electrification of heating and
transportation with heat pumps (HPs) and electric vehicles (EVs) will play a major role in the …
transportation with heat pumps (HPs) and electric vehicles (EVs) will play a major role in the …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of heat recovery and thermal load control on combined heat and power (CHP) performance
This research assesses the energy efficiency and techno-economic viability of a Combined
Heat and Power (CHP) system designed for a typical building that meets both its electrical …
Heat and Power (CHP) system designed for a typical building that meets both its electrical …
[HTML][HTML] Computation of the zero-wire current under an asymmetric nonlinear load in a distribution network
Recently the electrical receivers with a nonlinear volt–ampere characteristic have increased
significantly in utility electrical networks. The authors suggest applying a detailed account of …
significantly in utility electrical networks. The authors suggest applying a detailed account of …
Improving voltage profile and reducing power losses based on reconfiguration and optimal placement of UPQC in the network by considering system reliability indices
Distribution networks have problems such as an increase in active losses, overload on
distribution substations, voltage drop, decrease in network reliability, increase in load …
distribution substations, voltage drop, decrease in network reliability, increase in load …
[HTML][HTML] A novel design of fourth-order harmonic passive filters for total demand distortion minimization using crow spiral-based search algorithm
Mathematical design of a new fourth-order harmonic passive filter is presented and its
optimal strategy is proposed with regards to various design scenarios. The considered …
optimal strategy is proposed with regards to various design scenarios. The considered …
Evaluation of single-phase net metering to meet renewable energy targets: A case study from Pakistan
Net energy metering (NEM) has become a powerful regulatory tool for promoting distributed
generation (DG) worldwide. NEM aids utilities in reducing power constraints and line losses …
generation (DG) worldwide. NEM aids utilities in reducing power constraints and line losses …
Sensitivity of solar panel energy conversion at sunrise and sunset on three weather fluctuations in equatorial climate.
The high sunlight intensity in tropical and equatorial regions makes the potential for
installing photovoltaic (PV) panels. However, the initial design of PV installations must be …
installing photovoltaic (PV) panels. However, the initial design of PV installations must be …
Failure analysis in smart grid solar integration using an extended decision-making-based FMEA model under uncertain environment
Failures in the integration of solar energy into smart grids can have significant implications
for energy reliability and environmental sustainability, resulting in a greater dependence on …
for energy reliability and environmental sustainability, resulting in a greater dependence on …