Survey of performance acceleration techniques for network function virtualization
The ongoing network softwarization trend holds the promise to revolutionize network
infrastructures by making them more flexible, reconfigurable, portable, and more adaptive …
infrastructures by making them more flexible, reconfigurable, portable, and more adaptive …
Achelous: Enabling programmability, elasticity, and reliability in hyperscale cloud networks
Cloud computing has witnessed tremendous growth, prompting enterprises to migrate to the
cloud for reliable and on-demand computing. Within a single Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) …
cloud for reliable and on-demand computing. Within a single Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) …
Comparing the performance of state-of-the-art software switches for NFV
Software switches are increasingly used in network function virtualization (NFV) to route
traffic between virtualized network functions (VNFs) and physical network interface cards …
traffic between virtualized network functions (VNFs) and physical network interface cards …
FloWatcher-DPDK: Lightweight line-rate flow-level monitoring in software
In the last few years, several software-based solutions have been proved to be very efficient
for high-speed packet processing, traffic generation, and monitoring, and can be considered …
for high-speed packet processing, traffic generation, and monitoring, and can be considered …
Performance benchmarking of state-of-the-art software switches for NFV
With the ultimate goal of replacing proprietary hardware appliances with Virtual Network
Functions (VNFs) implemented in software, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) has …
Functions (VNFs) implemented in software, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) has …
FlowMon-DPDK: Parsimonious per-flow software monitoring at line rate
Testing experimental network devices requires deep performance analysis, which is usually
performed with expensive, not flexible, hardware equipment. With the advent of highspeed …
performed with expensive, not flexible, hardware equipment. With the advent of highspeed …
C2QoS: CPU-cycle based network QoS strategy in vSwitch of public cloud
The network Quality-of-Service (QoS) strategy in vSwitch aims to guarantee the Service-
Level-Agreement (SLA) for the concurrent Virtual Machines (VMs) residing on a particular …
Level-Agreement (SLA) for the concurrent Virtual Machines (VMs) residing on a particular …
C2QoS: Network QoS guarantee in vSwitch through CPU-cycle management
Abstract Cyber–Physical–Social–System (CPSS) relies on cloud and edge computing for
service deployment and acceleration. As an enabling technology of CPSS, network …
service deployment and acceleration. As an enabling technology of CPSS, network …
[PDF][PDF] Enhancement of Data Center Transmission Control Protocol Performance in Network Cloud Environments
The increasing use of cloud services in several areas has led to the growth of data-intensive
applications. It is necessary to find ways to enhance the efficiency of communications within …
applications. It is necessary to find ways to enhance the efficiency of communications within …
Offloading security services to the cloud infrastructure
Cloud applications rely on a diverse set of security services from application-layer rate-
limiting to TCP SYN cookies and application firewalls. Some of these services are …
limiting to TCP SYN cookies and application firewalls. Some of these services are …