Nonadiabatic landau–zener–stückelberg–majorana transitions, dynamics, and interference
Since the pioneering works by Landau, Zener, Stückelberg, and Majorana (LZSM), it has
been known that driving a quantum two-level system results in tunneling between its states …
been known that driving a quantum two-level system results in tunneling between its states …
[كتاب][B] The Jaynes–Cummings model and its descendants: modern research directions
J Larson, T Mavrogordatos - 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
The Jaynes–Cummings Model (JCM) has recently been receiving increased attention as
one of the simplest, yet intricately nonlinear, models of quantum physics. Emphasising the …
one of the simplest, yet intricately nonlinear, models of quantum physics. Emphasising the …
Polariton panorama
In this brief review, we summarize and elaborate on some of the nomenclature of polaritonic
phenomena and systems as they appear in the literature on quantum materials and …
phenomena and systems as they appear in the literature on quantum materials and …
Dynamics of non-Markovian open quantum systems
Open quantum systems (OQSs) cannot always be described with the Markov approximation,
which requires a large separation of system and environment time scales. An overview is …
which requires a large separation of system and environment time scales. An overview is …
The quantum Rabi model: solution and dynamics
This article presents a review of recent developments on various aspects of the quantum
Rabi model. Particular emphasis is given on the exact analytic solution obtained in terms of …
Rabi model. Particular emphasis is given on the exact analytic solution obtained in terms of …
Dissipative dynamics of an open quantum battery
Coupling with an external environment inevitably affects the dynamics of a quantum system.
Here, we consider how charging performances of a quantum battery, modelled as a two …
Here, we consider how charging performances of a quantum battery, modelled as a two …
Experimental Quantum Simulation of Multicriticality in Closed and Open Rabi Model
Quantum multicriticality not only has fundamental research significance but also can
promote the development of emerging quantum technologies, owing to its rich phase …
promote the development of emerging quantum technologies, owing to its rich phase …
Many-body quantum electrodynamics networks: Non-equilibrium condensed matter physics with light
We review recent developments regarding the quantum dynamics and many-body physics
with light, in superconducting circuits and Josephson analogues, by analogy with atomic …
with light, in superconducting circuits and Josephson analogues, by analogy with atomic …
The Schrödinger–Langevin equation with and without thermal fluctuations
Abstract The Schrödinger–Langevin equation (SLE) is considered as an effective open
quantum system formalism suitable for phenomenological applications involving a quantum …
quantum system formalism suitable for phenomenological applications involving a quantum …
Engineering dynamical couplings for quantum thermodynamic tasks
Describing the thermodynamic properties of quantum systems far from equilibrium is
challenging, in particular when the system is strongly coupled to its environment, or when …
challenging, in particular when the system is strongly coupled to its environment, or when …