Sulfur cycling in oceanic oxygen minimum zones
The sulfur cycle is an important, although understudied facet of today's modern oxygen
minimum zones (OMZs). Sulfur cycling is most active in highly productive coastal OMZs …
minimum zones (OMZs). Sulfur cycling is most active in highly productive coastal OMZs …
System controls of coastal and open ocean oxygen depletion
The epoch of the Anthropocene, a period during which human activity has been the
dominant influence on climate and the environment, has witnessed a decline in oxygen …
dominant influence on climate and the environment, has witnessed a decline in oxygen …
Impacts of E l N iño events on the P eruvian upwelling system productivity
Abstract Every 2–7 years, El Niño events trigger a strong decrease in phytoplankton
productivity off Peru, which profoundly alters the environmental landscape and trophic chain …
productivity off Peru, which profoundly alters the environmental landscape and trophic chain …
Recent deoxygenation of Patagonian fjord subsurface waters connected to the Peru–Chile undercurrent and equatorial subsurface water variability
In recent decades, global dissolved oxygen (DO) measurements have registered a decrease
of∼ 1%–2% in oxygen content, raising concerns regarding the negative impacts of ocean …
of∼ 1%–2% in oxygen content, raising concerns regarding the negative impacts of ocean …
Global perspectives on observing ocean boundary current systems
Ocean boundary current systems are key components of the climate system, are home to
highly productive ecosystems, and have numerous societal impacts. Establishment of a …
highly productive ecosystems, and have numerous societal impacts. Establishment of a …
Oxygen variability during ENSO in the tropical South Eastern Pacific
The Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) of the Tropical South Eastern Pacific (TSEP) is one of the
most intensely deoxygenated water masses of the global ocean. It is strongly affected at …
most intensely deoxygenated water masses of the global ocean. It is strongly affected at …
Observed El Niño conditions in the eastern tropical Pacific in October 2015
A strong El Niño developed in early 2015. Measurements from a research cruise on the R/V
Sonne in October 2015 near the Equator east of the Galapagos Islands and off the shelf of …
Sonne in October 2015 near the Equator east of the Galapagos Islands and off the shelf of …
The intensification of coastal hypoxia off central Chile: Long term and high frequency variability
Hypoxia is a phenomenon where dissolved oxygen (DO) is reduced to levels that are low
enough to strongly affect ecological and biogeochemical processes. This occurs within the …
enough to strongly affect ecological and biogeochemical processes. This occurs within the …
Bottom-water hypoxia in the Paracas Bay (Peru, 13.8° S) associated with seasonal and synoptic time scale variability of winds and water stratification
Coastal hypoxia can occur naturally in inshore areas of the Eastern Boundary Upwelling
Systems, influenced by the nutrient-rich and low-oxygen upwelling waters. This study aims …
Systems, influenced by the nutrient-rich and low-oxygen upwelling waters. This study aims …
Understanding the impacts of coastal deoxygenation in nitrogen dynamics: an observational analysis
Biological production and outgassing of greenhouse gasses (GHG) in Eastern Boundary
Upwelling Systems (EBUS) are vital for fishing productivity and climate regulation. This study …
Upwelling Systems (EBUS) are vital for fishing productivity and climate regulation. This study …