Light interaction with photonic and plasmonic resonances

P Lalanne, W Yan, K Vynck, C Sauvan… - Laser & Photonics …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
In this Review, the theory and applications of optical micro‐and nano‐resonators are
presented from the underlying concept of their natural resonances, the so‐called quasi …

Nobel Lecture: Controlling photons in a box and exploring<? format?> the quantum to classical boundary

S Haroche - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2013 - APS
Microwave photons trapped in a superconducting cavity constitute an ideal system to realize
some of the thought experiments imagined by the founding fathers of quantum physics. The …

Continuous wideband microwave-to-optical converter based on room-temperature Rydberg atoms

S Borówka, U Pylypenko, M Mazelanik, M Parniak - Nature Photonics, 2024 -
The coupling of microwave and optical systems presents an immense challenge due to the
natural incompatibility of energies, but potential applications range from optical …

Universality of Dicke superradiance in arrays of quantum emitters

SJ Masson, A Asenjo-Garcia - Nature Communications, 2022 -
Dicke superradiance is an example of emergence of macroscopic quantum coherence via
correlated dissipation. Starting from an initially incoherent state, a collection of excited atoms …

The Dicke model in quantum optics: Dicke model revisited

BM Garraway - … Transactions of the Royal Society A …, 2011 -
A short review of recent developments of the Dicke model in quantum optics is presented.
The focus is on the model in a cavity at zero temperature and in the rotating wave …

Dicke superradiance in ordered arrays of multilevel atoms

SJ Masson, JP Covey, S Will, A Asenjo-Garcia - PRX Quantum, 2024 - APS
In inverted atomic ensembles, photon-mediated interactions give rise to Dicke
superradiance, a form of many-body decay that results in a rapid release of energy as a …

Observation of Dicke superradiance for two artificial atoms in a cavity with high decay rate

JA Mlynek, AA Abdumalikov, C Eichler… - Nature …, 2014 -
An individual excited two-level system decays to its ground state in a process known as
spontaneous emission. The probability of detecting the emitted photon decreases …

[BOK][B] Advances in finite time thermodynamics: analysis and optimization

L Chen - 2004 -
Over 170 years ago, Sadi Carnot, a French engineer, published his famous article"
Reflections on the motive power of fire" and established a new field of science: classical …

Dicke superradiance in ordered lattices: dimensionality matters

E Sierra, SJ Masson, A Asenjo-Garcia - Physical Review Research, 2022 - APS
Dicke superradiance in ordered atomic arrays is a phenomenon where atomic
synchronization gives rise to a burst in photon emission. This superradiant burst only occurs …

Microwave cavity searches for dark-matter axions

R Bradley, J Clarke, D Kinion, LJ Rosenberg… - Reviews of Modern …, 2003 - APS
Recent determinations of cosmological parameters point to a flat Universe, whose total
energy density is composed of about two-thirds vacuum energy and one-third matter …