Late Pleistocene-Holocene diatomites from the coastal plain of southern Brazil: Paleoenvironmental implications
The southern Brazilian coastal area harbors one of the largest wetland systems of South
America, important for its plant and animal biodiversity and ecosystems services provided for …
America, important for its plant and animal biodiversity and ecosystems services provided for …
Aquatic macrophytes in southern Amazonia, Brazil: richness, endemism, and comparative floristics
Southern Amazonia harbors a wide diversity of aquatic macrophyte species because of its
diverse wetland habitats and location in the Amazon-Cerrado transition zone, which spans …
diverse wetland habitats and location in the Amazon-Cerrado transition zone, which spans …
Alismataceae in humid subtropical areas in southern Brazil
APR Silva, AS Rolon, SM Hefler - Rodriguésia, 2024 - SciELO Brasil
Alismataceae é uma família de plantas aquáticas ou semiaquáticas com ampla distribuição
em áreas úmidas, ocorrendo em regiões tropicais, subtropicais e temperadas. Embora o …
em áreas úmidas, ocorrendo em regiões tropicais, subtropicais e temperadas. Embora o …
[HTML][HTML] Breaking the misconception of a dry and lifeless semiarid region: the diversity and distribution of aquatic flora in wetlands of the Brazilian Northeast
The semiarid region of northeastern Brazil possesses a set of wetlands characterized by
hydrographic basins with deficient drainage networks, a few large and permanent lotic …
hydrographic basins with deficient drainage networks, a few large and permanent lotic …
Environmental and temporal variability of the aquatic macrophyte community in riverine environments in the southern Amazonia
Temporal variation in limnological characteristics favors an increase in aquatic macrophyte
diversity in Neotropical riverine environments. We assessed temporal and environmental …
diversity in Neotropical riverine environments. We assessed temporal and environmental …
[HTML][HTML] Limnological layers improve species distribution modeling of aquatic macrophytes at fine-spatial resolution
EG Moura Júnior, FAO Nascimento… - Acta Botanica …, 2021 - SciELO Brasil
Species distribution modeling (SDM) studies of aquatic macrophytes are still attached to
methodological paradigms focused on terrestrial plants, such as the use of bioclimatic …
methodological paradigms focused on terrestrial plants, such as the use of bioclimatic …
Advances in the knowledge of the natural history of aquatic plants in the Neotropics
Until the mid-XX century, little awareness on the ecological services or socio-environmental
problems and benefits related to aquatic plants culminated in bottlenecks on their natural …
problems and benefits related to aquatic plants culminated in bottlenecks on their natural …
[PDF][PDF] Lamiaceae na sede da Embrapa Clima Temperado, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul
LL Nunes, GF Rodrigues, R Lüdtke, G Heiden - 2022 - repositorio.ufpel.edu.br
A Embrapa Clima Temperado possui áreas de grande importância para atividades de
pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação agropecuária (EMBRAPA, 2022), possuindo Sede …
pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação agropecuária (EMBRAPA, 2022), possuindo Sede …
[PDF][PDF] Aquatic vascular plants from the sanjiang plain, northeast China
WA Ekoko, YL Yao, YQ Shan, B Liu… - APPLIED ECOLOGY AND …, 2021 - epa.niif.hu
Sanjiang plain is recognized as a biodiversity hotspot in China, and knowledge of aquatic
vascular plant species is essential for long-term wetland conservation programs. This …
vascular plant species is essential for long-term wetland conservation programs. This …
Aquatic Macrophytes in Southern Amazonia, Brazil: Richness, Endemism, and Comparative Floristics
Southern Amazonia potentially harbors a wide diversity of aquatic macrophyte species
because of its diverse wetland habitats and location in the Amazon-Cerrado transition zone …
because of its diverse wetland habitats and location in the Amazon-Cerrado transition zone …