Low palaeoelevation of the northern Lhasa terrane during late Eocene: Fossil foraminifera and stable isotope evidence from the Gerze Basin

Y Wei, K Zhang, CN Garzione, Y Xu, B Song, J Ji - Scientific reports, 2016 - nature.com
The Lhasa terrane is a key region for understanding the paleoelevation of the southern
Tibetan Plateau after India-Asia collision. The Gerze Basin, located in the northern part of …

Lack of denitrification causes a difference in benthic foraminifera living in the oxygen deficient zones of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea

T Suokhrie, R Saraswat, R Nigam - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020 - Elsevier
Despite being located at the same latitudes, the Bay of Bengal oxygen deficient zone (ODZ)
is markedly different than the Arabian Sea ODZ. The uptake of oxygen in the Bay of Bengal …

Multiple ecological parameters affect living benthic foraminifera in the river-influenced west-central Bay of Bengal

T Suokhrie, R Saraswat, R Nigam - Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021 - frontiersin.org
The huge riverine influx and associated processes decrease the ambient salinity, stratify the
water column, modulate the oxygen-deficient zone, and are also responsible for the recent …

Evidence for seawater retreat with advent of Meghalayan era (∼ 4200 a BP) in a coastal Harappan settlement

A Das, A Sodhi, CD Vedpathak… - Geochemistry …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The transformation of mature (urbanized) phase of the ancient Indus civilisation between∼
4200 and 3800 years Before Present (yr BP) overlaps with the beginning of the Meghalayan …

Marsh foraminiferal assemblages in relation to vegetation in Sunderban, India

A Ghosh, S Biswas, P Barman - Journal of the …, 2014 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The marsh zones of Sunderban coast were examined for modern benthic marsh
foraminiferal assemblages and correlated with the typical mangrove vegetation. A total of 14 …

Foraminiferal research in coastal ecosystems of India during the past decade: A review

G Sreenivasulu, N Jayaraju, BCSR Reddy, TL Prasad… - GeoResJ, 2017 - Elsevier
Coastal habitats in India, including estuaries, creeks and bays, have degraded to varying
degrees, depending on the fluxes of pollutants and flushing characteristics of the area …

Applications of foraminifera, testate amoebae and tintinnids in estuarine palaeoecology

A Ghosh, HL Filipsson - Applications of Paleoenvironmental Techniques in …, 2017 - Springer
Estuarine settings consist of several sub-environments, each of which can be characterized
by various groups of microfossils: this chapter focuses on foraminifera, testate amoebae and …

Alive and dead foraminiferal assemblages at sandy beaches of Karachi coast-diversity, ecological distribution and responses to seasonal fluctuations

N Arshad, S Farooq - Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2022 - Elsevier
Foraminifera are eukaryotic protists and play a vital role in marine community structure.
However, how physicochemical environment shape meiofaunal community structure at …

A study of microhabitat of intertidal foraminifera from Chandipur coast, Odisha

I Das, A Ghosh, D Buragohain - Journal of the …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
This study serves as a first investigation report of benthic foraminifera from Chandipur, east
coast of the Indian subcontinent. It concerns the microhabitats of the intertidal living …

A study of morphometric characters of Ammonia species in the Chilika lagoon, Odisha, India

U Dasgupta, A Ghosh - Journal of the Palaeontological …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Benthic foraminifera genus Ammonia is the most abundant taxon reported in the Chilika
lagoon. The detailed identification of the Ammonia species of the Chilika lagoon has not …