[HTML][HTML] Contributions of the subcortical auditory system to predictive coding and the neural encoding of speech
C Escera - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2023 - Elsevier
Highlights•Auditory midbrain and thalamus support predictive coding and speech
encoding.•Corticofugal projections are involved, but their specific roles need to be …
encoding.•Corticofugal projections are involved, but their specific roles need to be …
A role of oligodendrocytes in information processing
Myelinating oligodendrocytes enable fast propagation of action potentials along the
ensheathed axons. In addition, oligodendrocytes play diverse non-canonical roles including …
ensheathed axons. In addition, oligodendrocytes play diverse non-canonical roles including …
Noises on—How the Brain Deals with Acoustic Noise
L de Hoz, D McAlpine - Biology, 2024 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Simple Summary The listening brain must resolve the mix of sounds that reaches our ears
into events, sources, and meanings. In this process, noise—sound that interferes with our …
into events, sources, and meanings. In this process, noise—sound that interferes with our …
Neurod1 is essential for the primary tonotopic organization and related auditory information processing in the midbrain
I Macova, K Pysanenko, T Chumak… - Journal of …, 2019 - jneurosci.org
Hearing depends on extracting frequency, intensity, and temporal properties from sound to
generate an auditory map for acoustical signal processing. How physiology intersects with …
generate an auditory map for acoustical signal processing. How physiology intersects with …
Novelty detection in an auditory oddball task on freely moving rats
The relative importance or saliency of sensory inputs depend on the animal's environmental
context and the behavioural responses to these same inputs can vary over time. Here we …
context and the behavioural responses to these same inputs can vary over time. Here we …
Midbrain encodes sound detection behavior without auditory cortex
TY Lee, Y Weissenberger, AJ King, JC Dahmen - Elife, 2024 - elifesciences.org
Hearing involves analyzing the physical attributes of sounds and integrating the results of
this analysis with other sensory, cognitive, and motor variables in order to guide adaptive …
this analysis with other sensory, cognitive, and motor variables in order to guide adaptive …
Neural correlates of learning pure tones or natural sounds in the auditory cortex
Associative learning of pure tones is known to cause tonotopic map expansion in the
auditory cortex (ACx), but the function this plasticity sub-serves is unclear. We developed an …
auditory cortex (ACx), but the function this plasticity sub-serves is unclear. We developed an …
IgSF9b regulates anxiety behaviors through effects on centromedial amygdala inhibitory synapses
Abnormalities in synaptic inhibition play a critical role in psychiatric disorders, and
accordingly, it is essential to understand the molecular mechanisms linking components of …
accordingly, it is essential to understand the molecular mechanisms linking components of …
[HTML][HTML] Refinements to rodent head fixation and fluid/food control for neuroscience
The use of head fixation in mice is increasingly common in research, its use having initially
been restricted to the field of sensory neuroscience. Head restraint has often been combined …
been restricted to the field of sensory neuroscience. Head restraint has often been combined …
Development of frequency tuning shaped by spatial cue reliability in the barn owl's auditory midbrain
K Shadron, JL Peña - Elife, 2023 - elifesciences.org
Sensory systems preferentially strengthen responses to stimuli based on their reliability at
conveying accurate information. While previous reports demonstrate that the brain reweighs …
conveying accurate information. While previous reports demonstrate that the brain reweighs …