[PDF][PDF] Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menentukan Siswa Berprestasi dengan Metode SAW (Simple Addtive Weighting)

IA Setyani, YR Sipayung - Jurnal Sistem Komputer dan …, 2023‏ - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Abstrak− MI Kalirejo adalah Madrasah Islamiah yang terletak di Desa Kalirejo, Kecamatan
Ungaran Timur, Kabupaten Semarang. Berdasarkan banyaknya siswa yang mempunyai …

Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Obyek Wisata Terbaik Di Kabupaten Sragen Dengan Metode Weighted Product

M Muqorobin, MH Ma'ruf - Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik …, 2022‏ - jurnal.murnisadar.ac.id
Abstract Sragen Regency Tourism Object is one of the places for recreation with family.
Sragen Regency has many beautiful and diverse tourist attractions, making it difficult for …

Decision Support System for Share Investment Using The Capital Assetpricing Method (CAPM)

TF Efendi, AP Wihartati - … Journal of Computer and Information System, 2021‏ - neliti.com
Investment is the placement of a number of funds at this time with the hope of obtaining
benefits in the future. Stocks are one of the most popular investments. The current millennial …

Analysis of the role of information systems technology in lecture learning during the corona virus pandemic

M Muqorobin, NA Rozaq Rais - International Journal of Computer and …, 2020‏ - neliti.com
At this time the spread of the Corona Covid-19 Virus was swee** the world, Indonesia was
also affected, especially in the world of education where the teaching and learning process …

Employee payroll information system on company web-based consultant engineering services

IN Hikmah, M Muqorobin - … Journal of Computer and Information System, 2020‏ - neliti.com
Abstract Consulting Engineering Services is a company engaged in building construction
consulting services. In this company in processing employee salaries still use manual …

Web based distribution of Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh (case study of Surakarta City region)

IC Utomo, S Rokhmah, I Muslihah, TF Efendi - International Journal of …, 2020‏ - neliti.com
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam whose implementation is required for all Muslims whose
wealth meets the Nisab. Nisab is a standard of property that must be Zakati. Because Zakat …

Classification of Community Complaints Against Public Services on Twitter

M Muqorobin, S Rokhmah, I Muslihah… - International Journal of …, 2020‏ - neliti.com
Information on public services is an important part of increasing community satisfaction with
government policies. Complaints and Complaints of the community become mediators to …

Estimation System For Late Payment Of School Tuition Fees

M Muqorobin, K Kusrini, S Rokhmah… - International Journal of …, 2020‏ - neliti.com
Abstract The Surakarta Al-Islam Vocational School is a private educational institution that
requires all students to pay school tuition fees. Education is an obligation for all Indonesian …

Sistem Informasi Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Beasiswa Menggunakan Metode SAW

NA Khaliq, A Josi, L Fujiyanti - JSITIK: Jurnal Sistem …, 2023‏ - jurnal.ciptamediaharmoni.id
Beasiswa merupakan bantuan keuangan yang diberikan kepada suatu individu untuk
digunakan dalam kegiatan pendidikan. Untuk mendapatkan beasiswa di Politeknik …

Penerapan Metode SAW pada Penentuan Penerima Beasiswa Lazizmu

IY Pasa, NWA Prasetya… - INTEK: Jurnal Informatika …, 2022‏ - jurnal.umpwr.ac.id
Beasiswa adalah pemberian penghargaan berupa bantuan keuangan kepada orang atau
organisasi atas prestasi kerja yang dilakukan. Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMP) …