From sensory data to situation awareness: Enhanced context spaces theory approach
A Boytsov, A Zaslavsky - 2011 IEEE Ninth International …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
High-level context awareness can be significantly improved by the recognition of real-life
situations. The theory of context spaces is a context awareness approach that uses spatial …
situations. The theory of context spaces is a context awareness approach that uses spatial …
Review of challenges, requirements, and approaches of pervasive computing system evaluation
Performance evaluation process identifies direction for future research and development.
Tremendous efforts have been invested in the related research; however, no standard or …
Tremendous efforts have been invested in the related research; however, no standard or …
Design-time formal verification for smart environments: an exploratory perspective
F Corno, M Sanaullah - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized …, 2014 - Springer
Smart environments (SmE) are richly integrated with multiple heterogeneous devices; they
perform the operations in intelligent manner by considering the context and …
perform the operations in intelligent manner by considering the context and …
Formal verification of context and situation models in pervasive computing
A Boytsov, A Zaslavsky - Pervasive and mobile computing, 2013 - Elsevier
Pervasive computing is a paradigm that focuses on the availability of computer resources
anytime anywhere for any application and supports non-intrusive integration of computing …
anytime anywhere for any application and supports non-intrusive integration of computing …
[PDF][PDF] Consistent and Quality-Aware Service Composition in Smart Cities
F Ishikawa - Human-Centered Services Computing for Smart …, 2024 - library.oapen.org
In this chapter, we review our research for dependable service composition for smart cities in
both cyber and physical spaces. For the cyber space, given the active investigation on web …
both cyber and physical spaces. For the cyber space, given the active investigation on web …
A pattern-based approach for monitor adaptation
R Contreras, A Zisman - 2010 IEEE International Conference …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Monitoring of service-based systems can be used to assist with the verification of the
behaviour of the system, and the quality and contextual information of the services …
behaviour of the system, and the quality and contextual information of the services …
Identifying, modifying, creating, and removing monitor rules for service oriented computing
R Contreras, A Zisman - Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
Monitoring of service-based systems is considered an important activity to support service-
oriented computing. Monitoring can be used to verify the behavior of a service-based …
oriented computing. Monitoring can be used to verify the behavior of a service-based …
A Tanveer - 2021 - openrepository.aut.ac.nz
Abstract Industrial Control Systems (ICS) have significantly changed how we operate
manufacturing plants, transportation systems, facility management and monitoring systems …
manufacturing plants, transportation systems, facility management and monitoring systems …
CAD: The numerical and analytical methods combined for the analysis of IC's thermal fields
VA Koval, AI Ostapchuk, IV Farmaga… - Proceedings of EURO …, 1993 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The problem of microelectronic device thermal field analysis has been formalized. The
presented method of the initial and boundary problem formalization makes it possible to take …
presented method of the initial and boundary problem formalization makes it possible to take …
Correctness analysis and verification of fuzzy situations in situation aware pervasive computing systems
A Boytsov, A Zaslavsky - 2013 - diva-portal.org
Context awareness is one of the central features of pervasive computing systems. From
pervasive computing perspective a situation can be defined as external semantic …
pervasive computing perspective a situation can be defined as external semantic …