Quantum dots for photonic quantum information technology
The generation, manipulation, storage, and detection of single photons play a central role in
emerging photonic quantum information technology. Individual photons serve as flying …
emerging photonic quantum information technology. Individual photons serve as flying …
Hybrid integrated quantum photonic circuits
Recent developments in chip-based photonic quantum circuits have radically impacted
quantum information processing. However, it is challenging for monolithic photonic platforms …
quantum information processing. However, it is challenging for monolithic photonic platforms …
[HTML][HTML] Progress in quantum-dot single photon sources for quantum information technologies: A broad spectrum overview
Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) of various material systems are being heavily
researched for the development of solid state single photon emitters, which are required for …
researched for the development of solid state single photon emitters, which are required for …
Scalable integrated single-photon source
Photonic qubits are key enablers for quantum information processing deployable across a
distributed quantum network. An on-demand and truly scalable source of indistinguishable …
distributed quantum network. An on-demand and truly scalable source of indistinguishable …
Roadmap on structured light
Structured light refers to the generation and application of custom light fields. As the tools
and technology to create and detect structured light have evolved, steadily the applications …
and technology to create and detect structured light have evolved, steadily the applications …
Hybrid integration methods for on-chip quantum photonics
The goal of integrated quantum photonics is to combine components for the generation,
manipulation, and detection of nonclassical light in a phase-stable and efficient platform …
manipulation, and detection of nonclassical light in a phase-stable and efficient platform …
Chiral quantum optics
Advanced photonic nanostructures are currently revolutionizing the optics and photonics
that underpin applications ranging from light technology to quantum-information processing …
that underpin applications ranging from light technology to quantum-information processing …
Colloquium: Strongly interacting photons in one-dimensional continuum
Photon-photon scattering in vacuum is extremely weak. However, strong effective
interactions between single photons can be realized by employing strong light-matter …
interactions between single photons can be realized by employing strong light-matter …
High-throughput quantum photonic devices emitting indistinguishable photons in the telecom C-band
Single indistinguishable photons at telecom C-band wavelengths are essential for quantum
networks and the future quantum internet. However, high-throughput technology for single …
networks and the future quantum internet. However, high-throughput technology for single …
An integrated diamond nanophotonics platform for quantum-optical networks
Efficient interfaces between photons and quantum emitters form the basis for quantum
networks and enable optical nonlinearities at the single-photon level. We demonstrate an …
networks and enable optical nonlinearities at the single-photon level. We demonstrate an …