A Review of Polyolefin‐Insulation Materials in High Voltage Transmission; From Electronic Structures to Final Products
This review focuses on the use of polyolefins in high‐voltage direct‐current (HVDC) cables
and capacitors. A short description of the latest evolution and current use of HVDC cables …
and capacitors. A short description of the latest evolution and current use of HVDC cables …
Charge conduction in polymer dielectrics: Theoretical perspectives and first-principle approaches
M Sato - IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This review highlights the updated picture of charge transport in polymer dielectrics and
offers suggestions for future research. It begins with the backgrounds of the various …
offers suggestions for future research. It begins with the backgrounds of the various …
[HTML][HTML] Massively parallel kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of charge carrier transport in organic semiconductors
NJ van der Kaap, LJA Koster - Journal of Computational Physics, 2016 - Elsevier
A parallel, lattice based Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation is developed that runs on a GPGPU
board and includes Coulomb like particle–particle interactions. The performance of this …
board and includes Coulomb like particle–particle interactions. The performance of this …
Quantum chemical calculation of hole transport properties in crystalline polyethylene
M Sato, A Kumada, K Hidaka… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Hole mobility in crystalline polyethylene (PE) is evaluated from an atomistic point of view,
with the combination of quantum chemical calculation and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations …
with the combination of quantum chemical calculation and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations …
Enhancing charge mobilities in organic semiconductors by selective fluorination: a design approach based on a quantum mechanical perspective
Selective fluorination of organic semiconducting molecules is proposed as a means to
achieving enhanced hole mobility. Naphthalene is examined here as a root molecular …
achieving enhanced hole mobility. Naphthalene is examined here as a root molecular …
Can classical Marcus theory describe hole transfer in polyethylene?
M Sato, A Kumada, K Hidaka… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recently, hole mobilities in polyethylene (PE) oligomers has been investigated by means of
Marcus theory. Although it is well known that Marcus theory is successfully applied to …
Marcus theory. Although it is well known that Marcus theory is successfully applied to …
Charge transport in disordered semiconducting polymers driven by nuclear tunneling
The current density-voltage (JV) characteristics of hole-only diodes based on poly (2-
methoxy, 5-(2′ ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene)(MEH-PPV) were measured at a wide …
methoxy, 5-(2′ ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene)(MEH-PPV) were measured at a wide …
Computational study on hole conduction in normal alkanes: Anisotropy and effect of dynamic disorder
Despite its importance, carrier conduction in electrical insulators is poorly understood. This
work presents a computational study of hole conduction in single crystalline alkanes (nC 18 …
work presents a computational study of hole conduction in single crystalline alkanes (nC 18 …
A Computational Study of the Electronic Energy and Charge Transfer Rates and Pathways in the Tetraphenyldibenzoperiflanthene/Fullerene Interfacial Dyad
The electronic transition rates and pathways underlying interfacial charge separation in
tetraphenyldibenzoperiflanthene: fullerene (DBP: C70) blends are investigated …
tetraphenyldibenzoperiflanthene: fullerene (DBP: C70) blends are investigated …
Multi-scale computational evaluation of hole mobility in amorphous polyethylene
M Sato, A Kumada, K Hidaka… - 2016 IEEE Conference …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Carrier mobilities in polymeric insulators strongly depend on the morphology of the system.
In this study, in order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of hole transfer in PE, we …
In this study, in order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of hole transfer in PE, we …