Impacts of blockchain in software‐defined Internet of Things ecosystem with Network Function Virtualization for smart applications: Present perspectives and future …
As an emerging technology, blockchain (BC) has been playing a promising role in today's
software‐defined networking (SDN)‐enabled Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Because …
software‐defined networking (SDN)‐enabled Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Because …
DDoS attacks & defense mechanisms in SDN-enabled cloud: Taxonomy, review and research challenges
Software-defined Networking (SDN) is a transformative approach for addressing the
limitations of legacy networks due to decoupling of control planes from data planes. It offers …
limitations of legacy networks due to decoupling of control planes from data planes. It offers …
Federated learning-based AI approaches in smart healthcare: concepts, taxonomies, challenges and open issues
Abstract Federated Learning (FL), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Explainable Artificial
Intelligence (XAI) are the most trending and exciting technology in the intelligent healthcare …
Intelligence (XAI) are the most trending and exciting technology in the intelligent healthcare …
[HTML][HTML] Towards a blockchain-SDN-based secure architecture for cloud computing in smart industrial IoT
Some of the significant new technologies researched in recent studies include BlockChain
(BC), Software Defined Networking (SDN), and Smart Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). All …
(BC), Software Defined Networking (SDN), and Smart Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). All …
On the ICN-IoT with federated learning integration of communication: Concepts, security-privacy issues, applications, and future perspectives
The individual and integration use of the Internet of Things (IoT), Information-Centric
Networking (ICN), and Federated Learning (FL) have recently been used in several network …
Networking (ICN), and Federated Learning (FL) have recently been used in several network …
Internet of medical things and blockchain-enabled patient-centric agent through SDN for remote patient monitoring in 5G network
During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant increase in the use of internet
resources for accessing medical care, resulting in the development and advancement of the …
resources for accessing medical care, resulting in the development and advancement of the …
Intelligent fog computing surveillance system for crime and vulnerability identification and tracing
IoT devices generate enormous amounts of data, which deep learning algorithms can learn
from more effectively than shallow learning algorithms. The approach for threat detection …
from more effectively than shallow learning algorithms. The approach for threat detection …
Rooted learning model at fog computing analysis for crime incident surveillance
Cyber Loopholes in smart devices' applications invited intruders to conduct malicious
activities. The growing quantity and diversity of smart devices has posed significant cyber …
activities. The growing quantity and diversity of smart devices has posed significant cyber …
On the integration of blockchain and sdn: Overview, applications, and future perspectives
Blockchain (BC) and software-defined networking (SDN) are leading technologies which
have recently found applications in several network-related scenarios and have …
have recently found applications in several network-related scenarios and have …
Privacy-preserving and security in SDN-based IoT: A survey
In recent years, the use of Software Defined Networking (SDN) has increased due to various
network management requirements. Using SDN in computer network applications has …
network management requirements. Using SDN in computer network applications has …