[PDF][PDF] Model checking circus
L Freitas - 2005 - researchgate.net
As software complexity increases, so does the need for precision. For some areas, such as
high-integrity and safety-critical domains, this precision is imperative rather than optional. To …
high-integrity and safety-critical domains, this precision is imperative rather than optional. To …
From verified model to executable program: the PAT approach
CSP# is a formal modeling language that emphasizes the design of communication in
concurrent systems. PAT framework provides a model checking environment for the …
concurrent systems. PAT framework provides a model checking environment for the …
[PDF][PDF] From Circus to Java: Implementation and verification of a translation strategy
AF de Freitas - Master's thesis, University of York, 2005 - cs.york.ac.uk
Circus is a formal language that combines the Z and CSP notations. It takes advantage of
the strengths of each of these languages: from Z, it brings the possibility of specifying …
the strengths of each of these languages: from Z, it brings the possibility of specifying …
Efficient symbolic computation of process expressions
This paper describes three optimization techniques for the eb3 process algebra. The
optimizations are expressed in a new deterministic operational semantics which is shown to …
optimizations are expressed in a new deterministic operational semantics which is shown to …
CSP as a Coordination Language
M Kleine - … Conference on Coordination Languages and Models, 2011 - Springer
Coordination languages allow us to separate interaction behavior from the sequential
functional aspects of the components of concurrent systems. This helps us to reduce the …
functional aspects of the components of concurrent systems. This helps us to reduce the …
JACK: A framework for process algebra implementation in Java
The construction of concurrent programs is especially complex due mainly to the inherent
non-determinism of their execution, which makes it difficult to repeat test scenarios. Process …
non-determinism of their execution, which makes it difficult to repeat test scenarios. Process …
Development cycle modeling and risk calculation
S Denard - 2021 - ttu-ir.tdl.org
For every development project, a development agent takes on the responsibility for and
assumes the risk of completing that project successfully. This is a daunting task because, at …
assumes the risk of completing that project successfully. This is a daunting task because, at …
A structured approach to network security protocol implementation
B Tobler - 2005 - open.uct.ac.za
The implementation of network security protocols has not received the same level of
attention in the literature as their analysis. Security protocol analysis has successfully used …
attention in the literature as their analysis. Security protocol analysis has successfully used …
[ספר][B] CSP as a Coordination Language: A CSP-based Approach to the Coordination of Concurrent Systems
M Kleine - 2011 - dl.acm.org
The process algebra Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) offers a way of taming the
complexity of concurrent systems by focusing on the interaction behavior of systems and …
complexity of concurrent systems by focusing on the interaction behavior of systems and …
[PDF][PDF] Transformations between CSP# and C
ZHU HUIQUAN - 2013 - core.ac.uk
Concurrent software system contains multiple processes running in parallel. These
processes synchronize with each other to perform collaborative tasks. Due to the complexity …
processes synchronize with each other to perform collaborative tasks. Due to the complexity …