[PDF][PDF] Analisis pelaksanaan pengenalan lapangan persekolahan (PLP) FKIP Universitas Jambi bidang studi pendidikan biologi di SMA PGRI Jambi

A Sadikin, J Siburian - Bioeduscience: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi …, 2019 - academia.edu
Abstrak Background: Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (PLP) FKIP Universitas Jambi
masih tergolong baru dilaksanakan, maka dari itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk …

[PDF][PDF] Development analysis of creative thinking test instruments on natural science materials

YI Tanjung, T Wulandari, F Festiyed… - Jurnal …, 2023 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Creativity is an important part of improving learning achievement and readiness to face the
globalization era which requires innovation. The success of learning creativity can be …

Development of Local Potential-Based Ecosystem Modules in Grobogan Regency to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Ability

N Setiyanika, SS Ngabekti… - Journal of Innovative …, 2023 - journal.unnes.ac.id
The local potential of Grobogan Regency is very diverse, which has the potential as a
learning resource that can be integrated into learning biology on ecosystem material to …

Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis pendekatan kontekstual untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis

P Indriani, S Heleni, Y Roza - Aksioma: Jurnal Program Studi …, 2024 - ojs.fkip.ummetro.ac.id
Pembelajaran dalam kurikulum 2013 disarankan menghasilkan karya berbasis pemecahan
masalah. Salah satu kemampuan yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa dalam proses …

Design and Implementation mDPBL Teaching Approach to Improve Students' Creative Thinking Skill

Y Kusumawati, S Winarno, MH Ariansyah… - Journal of Education and …, 2023 - jet.or.id
The majority of learning in Universities is adopting the Direct Instructional (DI) approach. The
DI approach is a lecturer-centered approach. Howover, this approach tends to be boring for …

Prática do Pensamento Computacional e da Aprendizagem Criativa na Língua Inglesa utilizando o Scratch: uma sequência didática

RS da Silva, CP Pereira - Revista Brasileira de Informática …, 2023 - journals-sol.sbc.org.br
É crescente o número de iniciativas de Pensamento Computacional (PC) na escola em
diversos países. Entretanto, o Brasil ainda carece de ações que implementem tal prática. No …

Effectiveness of using google sites-based learning media to improve critical and creative thinking abilities of vocational school students

K Hidayati, A Rahmawati… - JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian …, 2024 - jurnal.iicet.org
Critical thinking and creative thinking are the main components and important components
related to 21st-century skills. Technology is currently very advanced in learning media, so …

Development integrated science learning device on human digestive system material based on inquiry-flipped classroom

MNI Buku, GW Nau, IT Sombo - BIO-INOVED: Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi …, 2024 - ppjp.ulm.ac.id
Abstract At Rosa Mystica Catholic Junior High School, networked learning has not been
linked to specific learning models and media. Teachers still face difficulties in creating online …

Analisis validitas perangkat pembelajaran model OrDeP2E untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi sains siswa MAS Al-Mutaqin Wolowaru

H Doa, RB Astro, ANAM Liu - ORBITA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan …, 2021 - journal.ummat.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran fisika model
OrDeP2E pada materi gelombang bunyi untuk melatihkan kemampuan literasi Sains siswa …

The Implementation of TPACK Learning in Human Movement Systems Materials to Improve Students' Critical Thinking

SD Nurtjahyani, A Winarni… - AL-ISHLAH …, 2022 - journal.staihubbulwathan.id
Natural Sciences is the study of natural phenomena. In science learning, students are
expected to have scientific knowledge, high-level thinking, critical and creative thinking, so …