[HTML][HTML] Map** ecosystem services for policy support and decision making in the European Union
Mainstreaming ecosystem services into policy and decision making is dependent on the
availability of spatially explicit information on the state and trends of ecosystems and their …
availability of spatially explicit information on the state and trends of ecosystems and their …
'The Matrix Reloaded': A review of expert knowledge use for map** ecosystem services
Ecosystem service research covers a challenging socio-ecological complexity and
simultaneously copes with a high policy demand for decision support in sustainable …
simultaneously copes with a high policy demand for decision support in sustainable …
Map** ecosystem services
This chapter provides an overview of the latest developments in map** ecosystem
services. It aims to provide an answer to the following two questions: What aspects of …
services. It aims to provide an answer to the following two questions: What aspects of …
Freshwater systems and ecosystem services: Challenges and chances for cross-fertilization of disciplines
Freshwater ecosystems are among the most threatened in the world, while providing
numerous essential ecosystem services (ES) to humans. Despite their importance, research …
numerous essential ecosystem services (ES) to humans. Despite their importance, research …
Identification and spatial-temporal evolution of rural “production-living-ecological” space from the perspective of villagers' behavior–A case study of Ertai Town …
Y Duan, H Wang, A Huang, Y Xu, L Lu, Z Ji - Land Use Policy, 2021 - Elsevier
The accurate identification of rural “production-living-ecological” space (PLES) is of great
significance for optimization of Chinese rural space. At present, there are some deficiencies …
significance for optimization of Chinese rural space. At present, there are some deficiencies …
Ecosystem service potentials, flows and demands-concepts for spatial localisation, indication and quantification
The high variety of ecosystem service categorisation systems, assessment frameworks,
indicators, quantification methods and spatial localisation approaches allows scientists and …
indicators, quantification methods and spatial localisation approaches allows scientists and …
Map** ecosystem service supply, demand and budgets
Among the main effects of human activities on the environment are land use and resulting
land cover changes. Such changes impact the capacity of ecosystems to provide goods and …
land cover changes. Such changes impact the capacity of ecosystems to provide goods and …
Challenges in integrating the concept of ecosystem services and values in landscape planning, management and decision making
Despite the growing body of literature on ecosystem services, still many challenges remain
to structurally integrate ecosystem services in landscape planning, management and …
to structurally integrate ecosystem services in landscape planning, management and …
Theories and practices of comprehensive land consolidation in promoting multifunctional land use
Y Liu, L Dai, H Long - Habitat International, 2023 - Elsevier
Rapid urbanization requires comprehensive land consolidation to manage multifunctional
land use. The promotion of multifunctional land use is an effective rural development …
land use. The promotion of multifunctional land use is an effective rural development …
Synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem service supply, biodiversity, and habitat conservation status in Europe
In the European Union (EU) efforts to conserve biodiversity have been consistently directed
towards the protection of habitats and species through the designation of protected areas …
towards the protection of habitats and species through the designation of protected areas …