Applications of magnetohydrodynamics in biological systems-a review on the numerical studies
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) fluid flow in different geometries relevant to human body parts
is an interesting and important scientific area due to its applications in medical sciences …
is an interesting and important scientific area due to its applications in medical sciences …
Entropy analysis of thermally radiating MHD slip flow of hybrid nanoparticles (Au-Al2O3/Blood) through a tapered multi-stenosed artery
This paper deals with the heat transfer and entropy generation analysis of unsteady blood
flow through a tapered multi-stenosed artery incorporating hybrid nanoparticles (gold and …
flow through a tapered multi-stenosed artery incorporating hybrid nanoparticles (gold and …
Investigation on TiO2–Cu/H2O hybrid nanofluid with slip conditions in MHD peristaltic flow of Jeffrey material
Slippage impacton peristaltic transport of MHD hybrid nanofluids (TiO 2–Cu/H 2 O) in an
asymmetric channel is addressed. Impact of viscous dissipation and Hall current are …
asymmetric channel is addressed. Impact of viscous dissipation and Hall current are …
Modeling and analysis of magnetic hybrid nanoparticle (Au-AlO/blood) based drug delivery through a bell-shaped occluded artery with joule heating, viscous …
The present work deals with the impact of hybrid nanoparticles (Au-Al2O3) on the blood flow
pattern through a porous cylindrical artery with a bell-shaped stenosis in the presence of an …
pattern through a porous cylindrical artery with a bell-shaped stenosis in the presence of an …
Heat and mass transfer of two-phase flow with Electric double layer effects induced due to peristaltic propulsion in the presence of transverse magnetic field
Biologically-inspired propulsion systems are currently receiving significant interest in the
engineering applications. Motivated by these developments, in the present article analysed …
engineering applications. Motivated by these developments, in the present article analysed …
Mathematical modelling of modified hybrid nanofluid in a peristaltic diverging tube with MHD and convective boundary conditions
Numerous applications of magneto-hydrodynamics are applied in daily life medics and
particularly where phenomena of peristaltic are used for delivery of drugs to the affected …
particularly where phenomena of peristaltic are used for delivery of drugs to the affected …
Effect of magnetic force and moderate Reynolds number on MHD Jeffrey hybrid nanofluid through peristaltic channel: application of cancer treatment
Cancer is the second-leading cause of death globally. Recently, there has been a trend to
treat cancer cells with directed nanoparticles, such as gold nanoparticles, because these …
treat cancer cells with directed nanoparticles, such as gold nanoparticles, because these …
[HTML][HTML] Hybrid impact of thermal and concentration convection on peristaltic pum** of Prandtl nanofluids in non-uniform inclined channel and magnetic field
In this study, the effects of thermal and concentration convection on the peristaltic transport
of Prandtl nanofluids and inclined magnetic field in non-uniform inclined channel is …
of Prandtl nanofluids and inclined magnetic field in non-uniform inclined channel is …
Unsteady hybrid nanofluid (Cu-UO2/blood) with chemical reaction and non-linear thermal radiation through convective boundaries: An application to bio-medicine
This study is focused on modeling and simulations of hybrid nanofluid flow. Uranium dioxide
UO 2 nanoparticles are hybrid with copper Cu, copper oxide CuO and aluminum oxide A l 2 …
UO 2 nanoparticles are hybrid with copper Cu, copper oxide CuO and aluminum oxide A l 2 …
Entropy generation analysis for peristaltically driven flow of hybrid nanofluid
Present study investigates entropy generation analysis for peristaltic motion of hybrid
nanofluid. Hybrid nanofluid is composed of iron-oxide and copper nanoparticles suspended …
nanofluid. Hybrid nanofluid is composed of iron-oxide and copper nanoparticles suspended …