Packet loss resilient transmission of 3d models

MO Bici, A Norkin, GB Akar - 2007 IEEE International …, 2007 -
This paper presents an efficient joint source-channel coding scheme based on forward error
correction (FEC) for three dimensional (3D) models. The system employs a wavelet based …

Unequal loss-protected multiple description coding of scalable source streams using a progressive approach

MR Ardestani, A Aminlou… - 2009 16th IEEE …, 2009 -
An analysis-based approach for unequal loss-protected multiple description coding
(packetization) of the scalable (prioritized/progressive) source code streams is proposed …

An effective transmission mechanism for 3D model based on predictive reconstruction method over unreliable wireless network

B Yang, Z Zhang, X Wang, Z Pan - Journal of Computer-Aided Design & …, 2010 -
In order to resolve the adverse visual effects brought by the lost packets over lossy wireless
network, this paper mainly proposes a transmission mechanism for textured progressive …


杨柏林, 章志勇, 王勋, 潘志庚 - 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2010 -
为解决3D 模型在移动有损网络传输时由于丢包所带来的视觉影响, 从客户端错误恢复角度出发,
提出一种面向移动有损网络的彩色纹理化渐进模型预测重构传输机制. 首先进行模型分组打包 …

Joint source-channel coding for error resilient transmission of static 3D models

MO BİCİ, A Norkin, G Akar - Turkish Journal of Electrical …, 2012 -
In this paper, performance analysis of joint source-channel coding techniques for error-
resilient transmission of three dimensional (3D) models are presented. In particular, packet …

Robust transmission of 3D models

MO Bici - 2010 -
In this thesis, robust transmission of 3D models represented by static or time consistent
animated meshes is studied from the aspects of scalable coding, multiple description coding …

Optimized Network-Adaptive Multimedia Transmission Over Packet Erasure Channels

S Ahmad - 2008 -
Die Übertragung von Multimediadaten mit geringer Zeitverzögerung über Kanäle mit
zufälligem Paketverlust, wie das Internet, führt zu einer Herrausforderung, da diese …